- superb :)
well , im bored . so blog is the only way to fill my boredness away ~
i had a super duper hard time looking for those hot guys pictures aboove ^^ so far no new pictures has yet been upload .
i feel happy for SHINee , yesterday Music Bank , they won first place after Kim Taewoon drop down . *claps*
guess what im doing right now ? well , im playing roller coaster kingdom , cafeworld , farmville & fashion wars at the same time . how awesome is that right ? i hate it when they use real timing . i have to waste my time to wait man ! i hope that they will do something bout it :):)
"wow ! woohoo ! yahooo ~ , ka-ching ! ka-ching ! , slushhhss .... , .....=.=|| " get what i meant ? dunnoe ? too bad :(
im online right now . chat with a lot of peeps today . some people still feel sad about the class they will be going to . especially Natasha :( cheer up babe . dahh bagus tau you pergi A1 . me ? gi A3 tau ! A3 tau !! be happy for yourself . i know you can do it . fighting ! :)
i still cant get over it . there are high chance that i may go to A3 as my level position are 86|155 . how low can that be kan ? Mr Lui say i improve though . but not as hard enough . i should try harder next year . i swear to god that i will play less time on the computer and concentrate more on my studies . i really want to go to Poly so that i could show off to my parents .
in my family . between the four of us . nobody have gone to Poly ok . both of my parents stop at secondary levels . my brother ? now his in ITE . but will go Poly as he say that the teachers have high hopes on him . but i swear im going to mugg my way to Poly and University . i can do it !!!
Ebynie HIMNAE !
- im back
you know it , im back as promised :)
i dont wish to update it day by day for the past two weeks just like how i used to do . mind me yeah ?
finally , school is over . haha , actually schools end yesterday but mine was way before on tuesday i officially marked my last day of school :) nie case namer nyer pemalas kan ?
no need to wake up 5.30am anymore lahh .. happy :) i now can sleep late , even better .. no need sleep also can . panda eyes getting more bigger than :)
intend to find work . at jurong west there saw a "student wanted " sign .. went in but they want a boy :( so damn pathetic right ? come on lahh , girls can do whatever boys can do okay ?
noticed that i changed my playlist to KARA - Mister . their butt dance is so damn awesome :) did not managed to find B2ST - bad girl song at mixpod :(
today ;
parent teacher meeting day , brother went with me . crap at busstop all the way to school . mr lui says that im too pampered :):):) he says i improve on my MT . *claps* :)
after ptm , went to take 241 to go pioneer MRT station to lakeside . bought lapao nasi lemak :)
i'm very bored right now , thus this over react , hyper post :)
im so madddddd .....
going out later . nobody at home . weeeee :):):)
- flaming charisma , Choi Minho
will be back whenever , i promised :)
- Beast
i will go MIA till further notices . will reply tags though :)
- ring ding dong
Super Junior M is awesome ;)
yeah , got my wish of skipping school today .
reasons ; coughing , lame =.=
someone msg me why i never come school , say i was lazy , gave me a shagged face . fuck you !
i cant seems to find my ideal blogskins ,
got my song though ; noona you so pretty .
i want to makan now
- fucked
finally no more exams already ;)
i waste my $5.80 on a tiny smally paintbrush =.=
should i change my skins ? my playlist is spoiled . that webbie is also spoiled . should try again now ?
SHINee new song , ring dong dong is nice .
me like , me like .
should i skip school tomorrow ?
i wish i can ; make an excuse bitch .
i makan KFC ; just now
im hungry again ; cooked some food then .
ok , enough of this typo , you are like following somebody .
Kay stop , henti !
the defination , im bored
- yearning for you
ignore my shagged face =.=
finally today was the last day for written paper . tomorrow art . luckily done my prep work ;)
im going out later to jurong point to buy a piece of small paintbrush =.= maybe i go out at 3 ? see my mood ;(
my body injuries start to act up again . i lost the ailment . how ?
today went home with syafiq and saman . a quarell broke out between saman and afiq M . tuu lahh . insult , skrang aper citer ?
okok , fine going to bathe now .
- fun
what can i say ? i had a blast last week . i get to study , raya outing with friends , going causeway point , vivocity , malaysia . it was awesome .
wednesday ;
went to causeway point to search for an outfit . had late lunch at pastamania . the food seriously suck . my standard are high . bought 2 piece of cheer you up . 1 slogan tee . mom buy 2 piece of slogan tees . went home by taxi .
thursday ;
studied -
did nothing .
friday ;
went home by 8.30am . reached home bathed ~ change . met up with rushdaa at jurong point . went to pioneer mall meet fiee , syafiqah , natasha . went to fiee house . ate nasi ayam . sedaapp dokk !! wait for the boys to come before heading to next house . i stop following them after they are done with my house . went down to vivocity with mom and yana . ate a lot . bought a guess handbag . veryy cuutteee ....
saturday ;
bathe by 10am . intended to go watch surrogates by atlas dad came home , went to malaysia . ate mcdonalds . food sucks , water sucks . everything sucks .
sunday ;
did nothing , stay home studied - clever .
today ;
after school lunched ; nathaniel , rushdaa & me
ate ; craypot rice , nice ;)
lecture from mom and dad sucks . i cant eat that , cant eat this . what the hell ?
- aegyo
i think i feel great today . feeling much better than the day before . doctors say i got migraine because im too stressed out budak pndai lahh kn ?
today was awesome . LIT was awesome . poor amalina cried twice today just because she need to stay back for not completing her maths homework . i don't care though ;)
i hate R , A , J they all . first of all R kept messaging me all morning , never reply cause its irritating . J kept on asking me question when im doing my homework .
"syaz ...."
"diam lah aku nk buat homework"
"alehhh ..."
totally the mepeks
ahhhhh !
whattodo ? whattodo ?
im still in bad shape . i suffering from light migraine . im still young and fresh got migraine . going doctor on monday after i take the exams already .
brother ITE friends just got back . hahha , they sang a little . cute ;)
im going to die now .
ohh great ! i sick now . exams are here and i fell sick . what could be more worst than these ?
yesterday was the first paper . was totally sick but still managed to go to school . budak baik lah kirekan . running nose and coughing here and there all the way . gone to see doctor with mom after school though .
suppose to go to swimming today . but i fell sick so the trip is cancel ;( i do not have the appetite to eat ;) slept the whole day . headache now . going to eat medicines now .