it's 12.08am now
19 years old now . you so old already :/
me and nurul , haish when will we grow up eh ?
anyway , happy 19th and i love you always .
even though i never meet you personally to wish you , this will do
getting prettier day by day .
my wish for you is last long ngan dinn and treasure your dream job :D
yesterday before going work i had superduper fun time with someone special :D
again again !!
work is killing me !
few more hours and i'll be home
wait for me
tmr jumpe baby :D
over at aunt's house since yesterday night . they fetched me to come over :)
woke up early morning at 9am bath and changed . Macs for breakfast :):)
going to have lunch soon at jurong point again :)
happy birthday to you :)
legal 18 already , so can drink can smoke can drive :)
not going school until it reopens :)
going to work till vomit during this period
i got photos , so besok i update kay ?
hello :D
i love Crew <3
stay strong
today working
390 soon :D
crew , lets go see midnight movie ?
A , i love you .
every moment
yesterday work was fun !
get to know 2 new people .
Mustaqim and Ridwan
boleh cair ngah dorang . klah bye :D
this photo is nice :D
yesterday was so called the last paper . i 100% guarantee plus chop i fail =.=
hope that i dont get killed by parents sudah :D
yes ! today im working , 6-11 . but before that going to meet idzuan :D
klah bye . i nak mandi :D
maths paper 2 . i want to die already
after school i become good girl , because i go home straight . then suriani die die want me go slack with her at library . i say okay . the idzuan suddenly call me out of the blue asking me if can slack or not . i say okay . meet up with suriani then fetched idzuan after he finished work . walked to library . chit chat . me and suriani keep bullying idzuan with pictures f animals . haha . we keep making noise .
then , i tell suriani that level 2 got 2 minahs keep staring at idzuan and i became jealous . idzuan just laugh only . i inside library also can ply catching with idzuan . haha . tired sia catching him . i even went inside boys toilet :/
suriani went home fast . because her parents are nagging .
me = freedom :D
idzuan followed me go withdraw money then go watson to but solution . then salam idzuan because he wants to go home . besok keje . kecian kau :(
kay lah . bye ... i nak makan ayam =.=
hello :D
so just now had Maths paper 1 . it was okayokay ah . i guarantee i failed =.=
like real only .
after school when home changed and off to meet Rabani . talk2 , then we go rounding at jp . Rabani wants to buy Handphone so badly . i followed him until i was so sleepy . singtel shop lah , starhub lah . pening kepala aku .
ok . i want to sleep now .
so just now i took MT paper . paper 2 was hard . i feel like screaming inside my heart :(
so just now after school . Rabani fetched me from school and we go gekpoh to study . did not know that his house is in front of school only . go gekpoh had lunched at macdonald first then we study . rabani teach i ader paham2 siket . paham kan aje lah eh wanie :D
i nak blaja lagi . i nak pass maths dengan cermelang ? with flying colors in malay ape ah ?
i should update my blog regularly uh ?
MYE started already . i was being a good girl . you know why ? cause i go home after my school ends :D
so just now at around 5pm meet up with idzuan to go to library to study . saw sakilah , shahidah and hafizan . joined them and shahidah teach me maths . then idzuan went home .
why i keep arguing with idzuan ? i hate it man ! adib i miss you a lot . meet up soon kay ?

eh sundal . kau kate aku nak act mane nye big fuck ? abeh kau ? no wonder what they say its true . korang maen sembunyi2 abeh kasih kite 5 org cari kau ? buto ah kau . kate tak dapat die abeh nak jumpe kite 5 kat interchange . so interchange kau tu jalan2 ngan wan sampai tingkat due lah tu ? suriani suriani . i never once treat you as a friend .
tak puas hati boleh settle pe babe :)
hello .
will not update properly until tuesday . at auntie jija's house right now . and it's boring . i want to go home ! will be stuck till monday . my mom don't let me go home . so sad :(
klah . bye