i think i have feelings for someone .
but it's hard for me . only 1 person knew who he is . but im scared . im scared to be hurt again . ouh god , please help me go thru this . and let him be healthy :)

studying . got a lil time left to enjoy :/
tomorrow i need to leave the house before 5am -.-
going to be super busy tomorrow , not sure if monday coming to school or not .
but good thing is that i'm beginning to love school :)
been studying lately . improving my standards a lot .
common test is less than a month away . but i'm still not that confident enough is i can pass .
i leave in the hands of god , Amin
my prince :)
been meeting my prince this few days . i miss him already . prince , i visit you soon .
been studying :)
i'm such a good girl .
so this few days has been hard for me . been a roller coaster ride for me . hell yeah , everything will be okay .
good thing friends are there to help me cope with it . especially suriani . shall i talk about her here ? i think i should .
so babe , this post is dedicate to you <3

suriani bte bapakdienyename :)
about her : she actually cool when you get to know her well . even though she is just a friend , she will still be there whenever im down . i'm actually grateful to have known her . it has been almost 7 months we knew each other and we're just click .
i remembered when we both fought with each other about him during that time in the library long long time ago . we even throw vulgar at each other . thinking back , it was so childish ! even though we fought sometimes , time will heal the wounds and we're friends again . yes , i may even tell some of you guys(whoever) that i really hate her . infact i do hate her . just when i'm in a bad mood or she did something i hate or she lied . she soon it'll be okay . thru and forth . she is awesome when come to boys(even some i hate them) , but it's her life right ? we talked about anything if the topic is about boys . to good stuff to dirty stuff ( i like )
i like suriani cause she is my friend .
i like suriani cause she will be there when i'm down .
i like suriani cause she fun to talk to when comes to boys .
i like suriani cause whenever we fight , we will still be friend .
i like suriani cause you're you .
i can be sweet kan ?
a very short post before i return back to my studies .
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