i am sick
my temperature yesterday was 40.0 degree celcius
i am shivering
i wore 3 pieces of clothing and 2 pair of shorts
i looked awful
but please love me :(

oh am gee
i think i like/love someone
used to just like him as a crush but now i want more than that
talked to some girls about my problems and all they say is sabar . SABAR !
how am i supposed to wait ?
wanie wanie , pikir pasal sekolah , bukan pasal laki
i don't really want to get hurt
just like how my ex boyfriend hurt me
do i have to go through this again ?
i want to have a really long term relationship
i want him !!
no time to blog
selamat hari raya !
so what if i'm late ?
better than nothing
1st day as usual visit the elders first . home by 11pm
2nd day out of the house by 3pm . home by 2am
3rd day out of the house by 6pm . home by 9pm
basically , hari raya was not the same anymore
i feel that me and my cousins have drifted apart
but , i was happy that during the first day i managed to see my aunt , who just got out of jail
and also my cousin who i have not seen him for the past 2 or 3 years . got to know he just been released .
when i realised that he was in jail because he went AWOL i was devastated .
now , i'm just waiting for my other cousin who has jail term for 5 years because of drug abuse
abang mimi , wanni rindu sangat ngan abang mimi :(
stand there and watch me burn
update soon
more active at my other blog instead of this
it's official !
i'm down with something
just stand there and watch me burn
been very emotional lately
hari raya is coming but i don't feel like celebrating it
with the state i'm in now , absolutely not
i am tired going thru all these
i'm so stressed right now
irregular sleep , fasting , moodswings
mom has been buying me makeup lately
now i have loads of them
too bad my compartment is too small too keep them
wanting to throw some of them out
but it's such a waste
one thing i need to most now is $$$
yes money
mom keep scolding me because i keep asking money from her and brother
so ? i'm the baby of the family .
that means you guys have to support me until i find myself a husband
heh :)
i'm done updating
totally pissed off by a group of people !
i don't even know the full story and you all already aimed at me ?
what the fuuuck _|_
come on laa , i no longer work at that environment already and yet you guys dragged me in ?
no wonder what my brother say is true , semua kental
i am gonna take my friends and brother advice .
you guys don't know what i'm capable off
someone say to me that i have sense in fashion
gee , thanks :)