did you miss me ? i sure did miss a lot of people . especially him <3
can't really get him out of my mind . wahaaaaii . what to do ?
so my trip to KL was okayokay . managed to see my and my makcik pakcik . after 11 years of not contacting them , i managed to see them . they changed . well , people changed
alright , let's the pictures do the talking here
update real soon

will be busy working till thurday , but i still wont be update until next week tuesday . so bye
do you guys miss me ?
someone do :)
so KL trip was okay . but before that we went to gemas , negeri sembilan for a homestay .
the place is call kampong lonek . it was really fun experiencing kampong lifestyle . thumbs up !
went to KL for 3 days the next day . lazy to elaborate the whole trip . sorry !
tomorrow will be going to resort world at sentosa with family plus syukrina ! yes !
kay bye !
p/s : i love my camera
p/s/s : i'm sick :(
back from KL
update real sooon
since it's my off day today , i decided to go to a place where is has the sun , the sea and the sand !
yes ! a beach !
had fun hanging out with my family with my father side siblings . but i never swim though , don't want to get too sticky :)
byebye . KL trip in 2 days !
i think i should do a proper update
so yesterday work was not tiring . have a lot of fun people around me
i pity Angah cause he need to sweep again and again . haha
i only need to mop outdoor which is not that tiring , still can managed because i am a strong girl !
after everything ends already time to munchmunch ! last night food was utterly gross ! i can't even swallow it , yucks to the max !
i will be working from 27/10 to 4/11 straight ! so tiring laaaaaa . but what to do ? crazy me put schedule like that . a lesson learn !
hi hi
will be working straight until thursday
can't wait to go KL with my friends !
only a few days left