i'm really tired nowadays
i'm lack of sleep
PS : eh syukrina ! aku rindu kau laa :P
i have been sick since monday . only yesterday that i decided to visit the doctor . guess what ? the doctor say that i am very dehydrated . mom took off today to take care of me and i'm still sick . should i miss school tomorrow also ?

eh haaii blog ! i miss you !
school ? okayokay laa . can tahan
yesterday , today and tomorrow no need bring books because of study camp . ler , so boring nak mampos . but the good thing is that , we get to go home at 12.30pm this 3 days .
tomorrow , friday got tuition . hpmft . so boring need to study . haishh
kay laa baaii !

school has been awesome one for me :)
and you know what ? my class got aircon class room . feel so blessed suddenly . but within 4 days of school , all i get in the morning is sneezing ! so irritating to the max , i swear !
this year , i am avoiding a lot of people . people that i'm used to be closed with are all different . hate it that they changed within 3 months or so ? what's the point of keeping friendship intact when your attitude towards me just sucks ? i think this week i lost 2 close friends . hope time will heal the wound . *prays hard*
N lvl is like in 8 , 9 months . mom has gotten me a tutor , so called 'home tuition' . no more playing around like last year . no more having boyfriends . no more facebook-ing too often . yes , that's my resolutions yo !
goodbye :)
so yesterday went to countdown at boonlay . managed to see a lot of people i know . played foam party also with my older cousin cause she drag me in . went home drenched .
but before that my family and i went to walk walk at jurong point and had late lunch at swensens . dad came late so after going to NTUC teman him go eat burger king . after that , i go do my eyebrows and i swear it look pretty ! then my father send me to wawan to boonlay .