Can upload alr ..
Damn !
My layer qettinq lonqer uh ?
Gonna force my parents to do frinqe .
hehhhes .
This foto diff ornortt my face ?
Alott ppl sial sayy diff !
2day uh ?
Err Sharul suppose to fetch me below my blk ,
nvr turn up .
Durhh overslept !
Went jp alone !
meet rushdaa at 7-11 which is infront of th blue blk wan .
thn ,
met up wiv zhilin && fion at Mcdonalds .
Me and rushdaa ate hotcakes .
Theyy both ate burqer .
ishh reach at mac at 6.15 ,
thn leave mc at 7.15
thn me and zhilinn top up card derhh .
thn take 243w t0 pionerr mall .
reachh therr nearly bo 8 alr larhhs .
thn chionq-ed Juronq west complex !
Saw D.Afiq at th road .
Fion and zhilin walk so fast !
Rushdaa keep shoutinq at them to stop wait nahhs .
D.Afiq directlyy bo infront of us .
He tok to me tht me and rushdaa was noisyy !
DAMN him larhh .
th qirl bside him ,
DAMN prettyy siol !
His besties i tink ba ..
Bye !♥
PS : Rushdaa qorrt std ! yay 171008 wooooo . S0rry quys cnt tell ue th quyy !