Been not studyinq .
Cant studdyinq ,although i'm muqqinq for it baddly to qo YCSS .
Life ... I juz wanna wish to kristle tht happy belated b'dae to ue okkays ?
Happyy 16th !!
Dear parents ,thnx for takinq care of me for 13 damn yyears .I noe its been hard for ue as i always norrt beinq a qood gerll .I noe i hanq out wiv outside frens , and ue told me i cnt . well tht's bcuz i qorrt no frens at sch . and hanqinq out wiv them is makinq me way to much fun and i lovinq it okkays ?I try my best to be qood qerrl and lissten to both ue quys . ILOVEYOU . ♥
Chanqe for th betterr okkays ?Loves ,♥