Ytd was so funn !
Had fun wiv Ireena baobeii !
Nyahahha .
Head at TCC ,
Fotos Tymee !
Our plain water

My coke float

Her Tropical Manqo drink

Her Mee ,
Dunnoe wad mee larhhs ,
She sayys taste likee yucks !

Myne Chicken Chop !

Headed to fareast wiv her ,
Had hair extension wiv her ,
3 tymes alr ,
But onlie $1 ,
cheapp !
Take 5 ,
So $5 .
Blonde Colour .
Go walk walk at farest saw this !
And eat hahahha !
Her Mango Ice

My Chocolate wiv cornflakes !

Foto !

Leave fareast ard 6 pm ?
Likdat luhhs .
Headed to JP .
Slack at mccafe yeas .
Spend nearly $50 therr ?
Temptation sial !
Wad to do ?
Thn qo arcade ,
Playy DDR lehhs .
Thn qo home ard 8.30 pm .
Nyahhaa .
Mom sayys ,
did i hav fun ,
Thn i sayys yess !
Nyahahha ,
byes ` ♥