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Friday, January 30, 2009
oso like my cousin as she kinda like related to me .
hidayu mother died just now in th hospital .
my nennek call my mom and straight away chionged to therr ..
some of eu may noe her like 2 years ago ?
she ishh from 6|5 ..
*flashback ,
rmb ?
yea ..
quite pity fer her ..
did nt manage to see her iether as it was damn crowded at her flat ,
so yea ..
just wan to say tht only ..
dunhav her foto lehhs .
if have put up alr ..
PS ; im avoiding tht guy !!
nt adib kkaes ?!
i evrythyme saw hym i would go diff directions .
haishh !!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
been away fer like 5days ?
OMG luhhs kkaes ?!
sundayy ..
go overnyte wiv family and frens .
quite fun ?
bbq all tht .
shall nt elaborate more .
did nt bring hp and wallet ..
so keep taking money frem my brother luhhs .
$50 gone away liddat .
7-11 all th way manxz ..
ishh tht cool or whuat*naddie lingo
if i found th foto on someone blog ,
i shall upload ayes ?
no promises .
and yea .
i still love adib !
and we still continue-inq .
endure luhhs ehs ?
i luvv hym loads manxz .
meeting hym 2moro .
he nt comform yet cuz of his ITE skuull .
so yea .
and yea .
i hate 2 guys from ,
1T2 and 2A4
sucks manxz !!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
ytd at nyte .
chat with bari from 2A4 .
goshh finnaly noe hym .
hahhs .
his lingo kinda weird ?
hahhs .
nehmind luhhs .
he wanna webcam .
took my cam and he on his cam .
saw yatt face !
hahhs .
syukrina da std (?)
i tink luhhs .
barii dunwan to show his face thn i nvr show mind .
he sayy his face jual mahal !
blueks uhh !
hahhs .
sms adib at nyte tht i wanna brk up
yeas .
he nvr rplied .
so took it as no lorhhs .
bye adib .
and i will make sure i will not go bck to eu animore .
Saturday, January 24, 2009
ytd outinq with ireena fer couple of hours .
was really tired as i just finish schh ,
chionged to jurong point to meet mom .
onlyy 1 hour to chillecks !
was tired .
doing zirah blog .
such a disastor .
sorry zirah .
when i free do agn fer eu .
and i make it sure it wall be da best wan .
my word *winks
go jp .
eat Mcdonals .
no appetite only buy twister fries , nugget and lemon tea .
all share with mom as i suddenly fell sick .
goshh !
thn when home by taxi .
put stuff at home .
changed ,
make-up ,
go find ireena .
go IMM .
eat at bagus .
play with water .
go home with ireena .
thn woots .
byes reader
Friday, January 23, 2009
ireena ; hahha . yalorh . i going ubin mahhs
Natasha ; thnx fer th bloggie email
bloghopper ; chillecks is wad ? ermm ? chill and relecks combined lorhs
JokerZz ; hahhs . yea i still rmb tht name *winks
passer_by ; eww . not chubby ehs ! fatty luhhs horh
Natasha ; hahhs . yup he my sepupu . father side uhh
naddy. ; thnx fer th bloggie email
spammer ; i wherr gt sia . dun tok lanjiao ehs
shawal ; ehs ! halloo
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
weird dae hppen to me nowadays .
schh life .
at schh just now ..
a guy from 2a4 ,
i tink a stayback student (?)
keep saying hello syazwanni .
bye syazwanni .
thn once just now i heard hairi ,
my class ,
sayy 'dier dgnr kau'
i just shut my mouth up .
who da hell is he manxz ?
i ask him who are eu ?
how eu noe my name ?
wahh ..
he nvr rply .
waddahell ?
jennyfer and my std sayys tht maybe he like me ?
ahhh puiii !!
not i dunn like hym luhhs .
i dunn even noe who is he manxz !
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
my mind went wild ,
I went kind of crazy .
I had a sudden impulse to close this blog ,
I had no idea why either .
Just ,
hate this blog ?
Too random .
Suddenly ,
I felt very empty .
Life seems so boring .
Whether I go out or not ,
I'd say life is boring at least once a day .
Life is boring .
Life is boring .
Life is boring .
Okay ,
today I've said more than thrice .
More than abit out of my usual self now .
Now that I reflect back to what I was pondering a few minutes back ,
I realise I've think things way too much out of the box .
So I got back to the right track ,
I realised what the hell went wrong with me for the past few minutes .
1. The English Show I'm watching is loading far too slow .
1. No games for me to play, CS is boring .
2. No ideal person to talk in messenger at that moment .
3. I'm thristy but too lazy to move even an inch away from this seat .
Okay, stop cursing this post already ,
I can already depict this scene of someone giving this "-.-" face
& screaming at me for being so random & nonsensical .
If you've been reading from the very top ,
thanks for listening to my ridiculous rantings .
But if you've not ,
you're lucky you've not wasted your time *winks*
Alright , its time to get my lazy bum off ,
make myself a huge mug of iced milo .
Monday, January 19, 2009
nabila ; ue'r welcome babe
ireena ; chillecks babe and yes . i banned them
iguest ; hahhs . thnx ehs
#$%^ ; (?)
Natasha ; no problemo *winks
neeeeena. ; thnx fer th bloggie email*winks
ireena ; aku mmg dahh uat bodoh ehs .. tkder kejerr nk uat
Zirah Uhh(: ; thnx fer th bloggie email *winks
qee. ; thnx babe *smilessssss
brk up with adib .
damn sad luhhs ..
thn go little india therr eat pure komalas luhhs .
damn delicious .
hahhs .
got home ard 11 pm (?)
liddat lorhhs .
sleep .
kana woke up by mummy .
bath and changed .
leave hse arg 7.15 am (?)
go changi .
at changi village therr .
saw daddy frens all arrived liao .
take a bite .
eat a porridge .
thn walk over to th ferry terminal thn take boat to pulau ubin .
damn bumpy cn th water .
scary siols (!)
reach liao ..
rent a bike ..
i take th most expensive bike .
$12 wan .
while th rest like $5-$8 wann .
my wan ishh th new mountain bike .
th sit ishh cushion and quite tall .
me like ehs !
hahha .
cycle at therr fer a long tyme ..
i even cried cuz my legs were like burning from cycling .
leave th place ard 6.00 pm (?)
thn take boat bck .
saw ice cream man .
mommy blanja all th children .
not quite all luhhs .
i buy mocha chips .
okeyhh luhhs th taste .
go geylang to eat .
while eating fion sms me ,
monday morning find her .
hahhs .
photos upload on th nxt post .
i wan edit its .
byes loves .
and yea .
schh wad superduper borinkkkk
Saturday, January 17, 2009
just got back from jp with mom and bro .
saw my auntie at NTUC .
did not noe tht my auntie was Ridhaufi mother siols .
thn i tell my mom tht Ridaufi is in same sch as me ,
but he did not noe me .
hahas .
thn his mother says tht we like sepupu .
shocked siols (!)
i saw hym smile or laugh .
dunnoe luhhs .
hahha .
tk tawu siols dier sepupu aku .
if liddat i should not be MALU to hym wad if i saw hym at sch .
rite (?)
my mom tell me tht ,
hari rayer evertyme go his hse .
but i seems not to notice hym .
i noe he has a sis ,
i tink this year sec 4 ?
i find her quite familiar .
but did not brood over it tht much .
so ..
theyy are my sepupu uhh .
still cnt believe it manxz
Friday, January 16, 2009
What is your True Fear? Your Result: Looked down on You have a very high self image. You're the kind of person that loves being in the center of attention. You're very outgoing, and outspoken. You also always have to look you're best. Whether going out, or just hanging out with the girls if you're not looking great you're not happy. You're a natural born leader, and love when people look up to you. You're worst fear is that someone won't like you, or look up to you. If someone criticized or critiqued you to the point that people stopped wanting to hang around you, or began thinking less of you that would be your worst nightmare. You secretly really want to be liked, respected and appreciated by others. A good way to make sure that people have a positive view of you is to consider their thoughts and feelings also. | |
Commitment | |
Disappointment | |
Being Alone | |
Where Your life is Going | |
Losing Someone | |
Death | |
What is your True Fear? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
superduper true manxz
2dayy schh end early .
12.30 pm (?)
went to shop fer ahwhile fer amalina .
thn 1 pm (?)
chiong-ed to ireena hse fer th celebrations .
gt 2 things ,
hypershine lipgloss 1 set consive of 8 lipgloss .
and elf blusher .
thn loads uhh !
2.30 pm (?)
went home ,
get changed went to lot 1 with Ireena .
i onlyy bring $25 .
so poor liao ehs .
need to scrimp up some money .
but purple contact lens .
sunday outing with ireena gonna wear it .
so $15 gone .
left with $10 + (?)
buy snacks thn slacked at hardcourt ,
to meet up with kristle .
play vb with them .
i like kisiao siol !
cnt keep tossing da balls (?)
till i angry . (!)
pictures will be uploaded soon (.)
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
ferst tyme siols .
my blog reached 100 post .
seriously my old bloggie all like less thn 20 ,
thn die liao ?!
ehs !
hahha .
2morro me and adib 1 mthns sheyy .
he this tyme promised me he be picking me up to go schh with me nahhs .
oso picking me up .
Meet up with Ireena at her block therr .
go jurong point .
drink starbucks .
she blanja me siols .
cuz she th one who wants to go to jp .
thn i happy lorhhs .
thnx besties !
i luvved eu damn loads lehhs .
slacked at jp fer only less thn 1 hour .
managed to buy "i loved my girlfy" tshirt .
me and ireena bought 2gather .
hahhs .
reached home ard 3 liddat .
bro and mom keep msging me .
binget siols akurhh .
i noe luhhs when to go home .
ouhhs yeas .
going out later to meet up with ______
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Natasha ; done sweetstuff .
knnbccpkmk ; oi ! aku nyer besties , nk kpoyhh ker tknk ,
asl kaw nk sebok .
kater besties perr .
and yes ireena rite .
i aint a pure malay okeyhhs .
buat per aku nk amek gambar ngan jacket .
asal kaww nk kpohh sgnt ?
maner tawu kaw punn tk ttp aurat .
ireena ; hahs . chill beb
bought along my name puncher .
ppl saw it keep asking me to lend thm .
fulermakk !
tkt siols nk kasihh drg pingjam .
haishh ..
shamm ..
tok to me 2dayy tht ppl ader hal ngan aku .
aku punn tk tawu .
thn he oso say about my bby .
"mataer kaw bdk teck whye ehs"
thn i sayy no luhhs .
bdk ITE bukit batok .
thn he sayys
"wait ehs"
luhhs .
i oso dunnoe luhhs .
trying to call bby .
he still in schh .
aiseyhhmanxzxz .
Monday, January 12, 2009
she sucks to th core lorhhs .
act big fuck uhh gurl tu .
its all thnx to her tht i nearly brkup with adi .
but thnx to adi i did not .
i decided to giv adi a chance .
adi tell me ,
why bcuse of his sister tht we argue ?
ehs !
mmng btol luhhs .
adik kaw act cam bdk maner nyerr big fuck .
Sunday, January 11, 2009
go fishing with famalies and some soccer families .
shiock sheyy no ants mosquitoes .
wadever .
reached changi ard 10 pm .
leave there ard 4 am .
go eat at some shop .
reached home ard 6 am .
sleep and bathed .
woke up at 1 pm .
thn no plans 2dayy
mommy and daddy went out to go shopping .
they nvr alowed me scared they will go home late .
Saturday, January 10, 2009
bck from camp .
tired alr .
arms and legs are badly sore like hells ehs !
i will start updating about ferst on 6 jan okeyhs ?
morning ,
wake up ,
go bath ,
and changed .
someone sms me when i was tying up my hair .
i dunn who ishh from .
so i just ignored it luhhs .
reached schh ..
saw amalina .
thn sit down parade square .
lessons were borinkk !
as usual kn ?
music was kinda okeyh .
saw some clips .
but th camping seniors keep disturbing us .
hahha .
some names were being call out by th seniors ,
to settle some camping stuff .
i was one of them .
gahh !
go out do some paper work ,
wait fer fiee to finish th paper work .
thn rush bck to th class .
class sitting arrangement has been change .
cnot sit with girlgirl ,
boyboy .
pfft off manxzxz ..
i need to sit with deva .
like seriously manxzxz ..
i deserved to be sitting with someone else bside deva .
damn angry with mr lui sia .
after schh .
call my mom at th garden in da schh ,
tell her tht i go home late .
go outside schh .
call abhy find me .
she be late .
zhi lin came bck to sch to buy number 1 tshirt ,
she ask me go in to buy fer her ,
cuz she wearing slippers .
hahhas .
but i cnt meeting abhy .
then hor !
she go ask my yeo th student to buy fer her .
hahhs .
funny siol .
thn i ask zhilin accompany me meet abhy .
thn need wait fer abhy long tyme .
so just slacked outside schh at th busstop .
abhy havent arrived .
maya and syuk wan meet me outside my schh .
i say i cnt lehhs .
i meeting abhy .
so they says mondays meet me outside my sch .
but i nt comfirmed lorhs .
she wan meet me fer wad sia !
abhy arrived !
like finnaly siols !
passed her smthing ,
take bus 99 with zhilin .
thn reached home ard 4.30 pm .
bck some stuff into my camping bag thn go chillecks with irrena until late .
ferst day of camp .
daddy sent me to sch .
meetup with rushdaa they all .
amalina did not come .
nvr tell teacher .
so cher makred her as truancy manxzxz .
fck amalina luhhs .
i am in grp 5 with ,
with my besties .
our student leaders .
kak aqit and anup .
instructer ,
redhemsem .
xome on luhhs .
we all call hym tht .
not only me okeyhs .
ferst day of camp .
more then 12 km of hike .
from bukit timah reseivoir to McRhichies reservoir .
paisehh dunnoe how to spell .
kill me plz .
damn tired .
half way sick while on th track .
i cried .
some ppl help me to carry my stuff and help me th cope with the pain .
thnx guys .
our tracking instructer ,
kristan .
very cute and hesem guy .
help me oso .
he ask me and rushdaa to be infront to lead th grp .
cuz i was all th way at th bck .
my stomoch very pain mahhs .
so yeas .
ard 4 or 5 km .
therrs a slope .
i nearly fell .
thn god i did not .
but still gt slope .
but unluckily me .
i fell while rushdaa trying to pull me down th slope ,
thn i slide .
i was bleeding alot .
but not pain luhhs .
kristan call th first-aider .
waliaos .
th first-adier run so fast manxzxz .
hahha .
thn th other grp like catching up with us .
i was so paisehh !
theyy all look at me and i luagh like mad .
keep closing my face sia .
lols seriously manxzxz .
thn keep continueing th journey lorhhs .
reached th machriches th high bridge .
me and rushdaa .
keep shouting like crazy cuz th boys infront keep cwinging th brigde .
ouhh yea ,
did i mention ,
i cried th whole high brigde walk ?
scary siols .
finished th hike liao .
play some games with kristan .
funfun !!
thn bus come .
sit with adinah .
thn have dinner .
chillecks fer awhile .
night walk lehhs .
funnfun .
keep clossing my eyes and look down .
dunn wan to see wad i hope no to see luhhs horhs .
reached some field .
fion lied down on my lap .
she like my nuer ehs !
hahha .
geldon keep disturbing me and fion .
keep throwing grass at fion ,
keep punching me .
hahha pain siols !
nabehh !
nth much happen ,
wake up damn early !
bath !
eat ,
play some games ,
high elements .
i cried once agn .
scary manxzxz .
zhilin gt stuck while on th flying fox .
she cried oso .
i tink luhhs .
need to be evacuate .
zhilin whole body very numb .
campfire ,
fun .
daddy and mommy came .
wave to thm luhhs of coz .
thn go have supper .
sleep .
nth happen .
do area cleaning thn go home .
mommy fetched me from schh .
wan take taxi .
but th 99 came so many at 1 go ,
so just take bus lorhs .
go home .
bathed ,
go have spaggeti ,
change clothes thn go shengshiong .
buy stuff over $100 ++ lehhs .
meet daddy at KFC taman jurong .
thn go home 2gather .
heavy stuff ,
good thing gt car .
hehhes .
Friday, January 09, 2009
Tags Rply !
JokerZz ; hahha =D
knnbccbpkmk ; hahha , attention seekers ke per ?
aku gemok ?
aku tk kesah ehs .
aku biler pkai baju tube itu aku pkai jaket ahh gurl .
aku ttp aurat okeyhhs .
jgn nk step ahh .
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Monday, January 05, 2009
1st Day Of Schh

ahh ..
havent gt th tyme to update about my ferst day of sch yea ?
so im updatting nw luhhs .
woke up at 5.15 am
bby call mie .
he hymself says he pekak in th mornin luhhs .
thn woke up alr ,
giv bby directions .
mom bought a burger ,
reheat it .
brush my teeth ,
wash my face .
thn go to th dining table eat burger .
finish eating alr ,
i bath .
by th tyme i finish bathin liao ,
th tyme ishh 5.45 am .
bby call me agn .
i put on clothes ,
took a hell alot of tyme to do my hair .
fringe smakin pendek uhh babe|dude .
put on socks ,
thn put on shoes ,
thn i take my $7 ,
thn i slm my mommy .
thn i call bby .
dier dh trun MRT .
he sms me agn ard 5 min later ,
he say he reach my place alr .
thn i say where he ,
he sayy infront 207 ,
thn i sayy uhh !?
207 ,
i 206 ehs !!
i kinda late alr ,
took 99 .
tell hym to meet me at juying itself .
he dunnoe wherr it is .
so once agn i gave hym directions mahhs .
thn he sayy okeyh .
thn i call hym.
dh smpai ?
he sayy dh .
dpan shell kn ?
thn i sayy uh !?
shell ?!
th only shell i noe ishh fion hse therr .
so i tell hym to take bus agn .
waloas ,
bby trn kt wesgroove luhhs .
thn i tell hym asl ?
thn he tell me tht cuz he saw grps of ppl trun mahhs .
haiyorhhs !!
thn i inside schh alr ,
so i tell hym to take 242 from westgroove to jp .
while he on th bus ,
he saw juying sec ,
but he noes i in schh alr .
so yea ,
now he noe wherr my schh ishh .
in schh ferst person i saw ishh amalina lorhhs .
miss her like damn loads .
ohwell ..
she forgiv me and i forgive her .
go to th garden therr sit down and chillecks .
saw natasha .
OMG she so cute sial !!
saw syafiqah ,
she nvr change lehhs .
good lehhs .
i ask her ,
who ishh out teacher ,
thn she tell me MR albert liu .
thn ,
I say ; uhh !? lui ?
She say ; tkslh uhh .
I say ; yg gmok tu ?
She Say ; i tink so uhh .
I say ; yg muker cacat tu ?
She say ; tkslah uhh .
hahha ouhh man Mr lui ..
i hate hym manxzx .
suker shout kt class mcm giler babi gitu uhh .
thn flag raising saw sec 1 ,
cam mepeks gytu sials .
minah stepping punn aderr .
blueks luhhs ehs .
thn in class ..
sat with Jennyfer .
Natasha must sit with Amalina ,
cuz therr no more place to sit liao wad .
hahha she keep turning to us saying .
"asal aku kener dudduk ngan dier"
thn me and Jennyfer kekkek terok siols xD
Thn recess .
chillecks at th vending therr with alot of ppl .
went to parade square thn go up to hall .
ouhh yea ,
1 hr 30 minutes of hell in therr .
sit down pain uhh !!
mcm nk maki siols kuat kuat .
thn finish liao ,
amalina , i , rushdaa
when to th toilet to check out my smses .
bby at queentown buying stuff .
thn go ITE to see th schh i tink luhhs .
Nabila sms me ,
tell me tht she would be late ,
she meet me with her besties ,
rashidah [ i tink ]
and her boyfie , rahim
hahha .
she so cute manxz .
Fion on fridayy oso siao lerr alr .
haha .
thts all lorhhs .
bye !
Sunday, January 04, 2009
My Countdown Celebrations ♥
Shall start this post from 311208 kaes ?
When to see fireworks at marina barage
Leave hse arnd 5 pm /plus liddat
Reach JP at 5 .30 pm /plus
Buy some food and can drinks .
Saw my old besties .
Syahirah .
0uhh i miss her damn much manxzxz .
Haven see her fer ard 4 mthns alr lorhhs .
bfore heading at marina barage
Not many ppl were therr lorhhs .
But at 9pm liddat almost th grass were cover siols !!
brought 3 spray can at therr .. cuz oso gt like mini pasar mlm luhhs .
and yeas ,
hell !!
1 spray can cost ard $3
damn ex siols !
bought 3 only luhhs .
lil bit fotos only .
Enjoy !