ahh ..
havent gt th tyme to update about my ferst day of sch yea ?
so im updatting nw luhhs .
woke up at 5.15 am
bby call mie .
he hymself says he pekak in th mornin luhhs .
thn woke up alr ,
giv bby directions .
mom bought a burger ,
reheat it .
brush my teeth ,
wash my face .
thn go to th dining table eat burger .
finish eating alr ,
i bath .
by th tyme i finish bathin liao ,
th tyme ishh 5.45 am .
bby call me agn .
i put on clothes ,
took a hell alot of tyme to do my hair .
fringe smakin pendek uhh babe|dude .
put on socks ,
thn put on shoes ,
thn i take my $7 ,
thn i slm my mommy .
thn i call bby .
dier dh trun MRT .
he sms me agn ard 5 min later ,
he say he reach my place alr .
thn i say where he ,
he sayy infront 207 ,
thn i sayy uhh !?
207 ,
i 206 ehs !!
i kinda late alr ,
took 99 .
tell hym to meet me at juying itself .
he dunnoe wherr it is .
so once agn i gave hym directions mahhs .
thn he sayy okeyh .
thn i call hym.
dh smpai ?
he sayy dh .
dpan shell kn ?
thn i sayy uh !?
shell ?!
th only shell i noe ishh fion hse therr .
so i tell hym to take bus agn .
waloas ,
bby trn kt wesgroove luhhs .
thn i tell hym asl ?
thn he tell me tht cuz he saw grps of ppl trun mahhs .
haiyorhhs !!
thn i inside schh alr ,
so i tell hym to take 242 from westgroove to jp .
while he on th bus ,
he saw juying sec ,
but he noes i in schh alr .
so yea ,
now he noe wherr my schh ishh .
in schh ferst person i saw ishh amalina lorhhs .
miss her like damn loads .
ohwell ..
she forgiv me and i forgive her .
go to th garden therr sit down and chillecks .
saw natasha .
OMG she so cute sial !!
saw syafiqah ,
she nvr change lehhs .
good lehhs .
i ask her ,
who ishh out teacher ,
thn she tell me MR albert liu .
thn ,
I say ; uhh !? lui ?
She say ; tkslh uhh .
I say ; yg gmok tu ?
She Say ; i tink so uhh .
I say ; yg muker cacat tu ?
She say ; tkslah uhh .
hahha ouhh man Mr lui ..
i hate hym manxzx .
suker shout kt class mcm giler babi gitu uhh .
thn flag raising saw sec 1 ,
cam mepeks gytu sials .
minah stepping punn aderr .
blueks luhhs ehs .
thn in class ..
sat with Jennyfer .
Natasha must sit with Amalina ,
cuz therr no more place to sit liao wad .
hahha she keep turning to us saying .
"asal aku kener dudduk ngan dier"
thn me and Jennyfer kekkek terok siols xD
Thn recess .
chillecks at th vending therr with alot of ppl .
went to parade square thn go up to hall .
ouhh yea ,
1 hr 30 minutes of hell in therr .
sit down pain uhh !!
mcm nk maki siols kuat kuat .
thn finish liao ,
amalina , i , rushdaa
when to th toilet to check out my smses .
bby at queentown buying stuff .
thn go ITE to see th schh i tink luhhs .
Nabila sms me ,
tell me tht she would be late ,
she meet me with her besties ,
rashidah [ i tink ]
and her boyfie , rahim
hahha .
she so cute manxz .
Fion on fridayy oso siao lerr alr .
haha .
thts all lorhhs .
bye !