i tottaly damn piss wiv somone attitude ryte nw
i hope somedae eu kana kill uhh
murnin' met up wiv fion
prttttt .
nvr spent a cent at coffee shop ther
cuz nvr slack ther
jiu go skul early
thn th malay girls
discuss tht we should throw hidayat a surprised party
but he noes alr
but we still gonna buy hym cake
2 cake somemore uhh
1 fer sabo wan
thn one fer eating
big thnx to mr lui ,
cuz he gonna buy th cake using his money ferst .
so all th students from 2a2 ,
plz bring ard $1-$2 fer cake by end of this wk .
thnx v. much
after skul slacked at classroom wiv ,
natasha , adinah , syafiqah , zoe , afro , nugget , irfan s , junler , hisham , ahmad , deva , kelvin && others uhh
kinda fun sia bein' wiv them .
all take out hp played song out load2
until inspector chong saw us .
aiyoyo .
decorate class to .
shahrul slap faris hard .
until faris cried .
0uh MY .
natasha say dunn tok to shshrul .
more worst uhh .
me and natasha forcked out $4 to put drinks fer th ppl therr .
so good ryte ?
mr lui came in shortly after .
sundae goin' to meet up wiv zhilin & fion .
thn mr lui fetched us using his car to jurong west .
to buy cakes .
happy sia me
alort of fotos taken todayy ,
2morro maybe nort updating ,
goin' out wiv ITE frens to celebrate my bdae .