i wanna buy .
abgg bli kn adik bleyhh ?
nowadays ,
my abgg has been buying me some good and nice stuff
we this year vry especially close
unlike th past tht i really hatehate hym
nw .
mom sae tht it's good to bond 2gather
bro promised me when in april ,
he gets his allowance alr he promised me he buy a Nintentdo DSi
im so touched
Advanced maceh2 dulu yerr bangg ?
eu noe whyy ?
she promised me she buyy me alortttt of stuff .
but in th end .
she sae nort free .
and i tok by hevia fone .
and shouted LIAR
loudly thn hangup
^^ && she noes she broke my heart
when she went home
evrthng she promised me she buyy from me ..
she buy it .
see so touch
but still 1 thng havent cover yet
she promised bringin' me to fich and co.
but this sat goin'
i miss yous badlyy bby boyy
cam phm jerr ehs ?
nahhh ..
grrrrrr .....
zoe mad at me .
cuz i rply to her 'so'
^&&& and she sae chibai,chibai to fion alorttt of tym sia .
prrrttt .
rushdaa , robort are a puta yawww !!