i dun noe why i feel th urge to sit down and blog abt 10 random facts abt me .
if eu noe all this ,
thn maybe eu are my fren :D
1 ; EBYNIE is not my real name
i just like tht name cuz it's rhyme with SYAZWANNI
2 ; i love PINK
because im a girl
^^&& th colour makes me happy :D
3 ; i ONLY wears LEVI's jeans
because th quality is nice
other UNBRANDED and OUTCOLOUR jeans th quality is low
it will tore easily
4 ; i still LOVE adib
because he is vry hensem eventhough we always quarell ^^&& he has a GF
frens around me to stop thinkin about hym
5 ; i LOVED fries
ppl around me knows tht i LOVED fries
maybe tht's why im FAT .
i can cry if i dun hav fries atleast TWICE a week
6 ; i LOVED to go online shoppin
i overspent my savings whenever i set my eyes on smthng
$100-$200 gone
believed it
7 ; STRAIGHT is my natural hair .
maybe my current hair becum like tis due to th permin ^^&& rebornin alort of tym ?
my current hair is both STRAIGHT ^^&& CURLY
8 ; i LOVED my rabbit more thn my parents
dun ask me why
i myslef dunnoe
maybe bcuz BENJIE does not ask me wad to do or nags or scold me
tht's bcuz i LOVED hym :D
9 ; i have a ATTITUDE problems
believed it manxz .
i hav moodswings and shouted at ppl fer no reasons .
TRYIN to change orite
10 ; i can be very quiet
i can be very quiet
but only if I plug in both of my earpiece and listen to songs
i still remember there was once i plugged in ^^&& listen to songs
MOTHER talked to me then i so-called ignored or nvr really reply her
so she nearly went crazy ^^&& thought i attitude her ! :(
so who know's all of it ?
IRRENA know's all .
hehhs .
neeena: hello tagged! miss you lahrr!(:
to neeena ; hahhas , thnx fer tagging . yeas miss eu alot toos :D
neeena: btw relink me beb!
to neeena ; done !
Hakim: relink. ;D
to Hakim ; done !
Maliki;D: Kau maseh ingat aku?
to Maliki;D ; maliki ? maliki osman ehs ?