i dun noe why . i tired today . i wake up at 10am and noticed tht mom was gone . she nvr even tell me where she goes . ohwhile , wad to do ? since my cousins were sleeping at nainai house , woke them up . woke up yana ferst , followup wiv my bro thn lastly fadil . went down to jurong west ther to eat breakfast . my bro treat as he hav some money . 4 plates of chicken rice , 2 dumpling soup and 1 plate of fried dumpling . as usual ;) . i buy bubble tea for them . intented to bring them go see movie . but .. suddenly bro fren asked hym out . so yea . fadil , yana and myself went to neighbour house to play wiv batrisyia and barriq as usual . bath barriq ;) thn nw im at home . at nyt going ther agn wiv thm . so fun dun eu noe ? haish . im tired . im gonna bath agn . so hot th wheather and on th aircon and thn sleep , ZZzzzzz .
only a few as i was lazy ;)
before leaving for checkpoint , hav macdonald at taman jurong ard 4.30am

during th car trip

reach KL

take away subway and bought back to hotel to eat . mom and dad went shopping ferst

at petaling street . i dun noe why . but i really love this pics alort

at th hair saloon , noticed why ther no ppl ? cuz i did an appointment bfore hand . and had pay a deposit of 100 RM . so yea . quite happy . i oso lyk th hairdresser . a man summore , was shy though . haha . he bought me a KFC snack so i wont feel hungry . thn yea MR Joshua :)

last day at hotel , was sad to leave . but was happy to go home and rest .

at th car , on th way home . goodbye KL . hello singapore ;)
okeyh okeyh . guess tht i filled up this page alr yea ? im dead tired alr la !!
annyeonghigeseyo .
from ;
Wanie Imnida