wanie imnida is here . sry for th lack of posting . so nw , let see . sat went to poly for x-ray , nth wrong , jst th veins gt twisted . allhamdulilah . thn sundae , went to have late breakfast . 14 hours of no food . cuz im trying to lose weight . heh . fat hope . thn cab down to IMM wiv bro . too hungry alr . cnot tahan yea ? reach IMM alr , shock me . C&K no more alr la . im vry sad . my fav brand of clothing is nt in IMM alr . must go Vivo too buy . so fckin damn far . so jst go find food outlet . ate at spaggeti too .

bought alort of food , in th end cnot finish it up la . but it's cheap la okeyh ?
thn mon . went bowling . lost my fone . so dun contact me till nxt wk yea ? sorry for those if i nvr pick up or rply ur msg . tues , stay at home . throat pain . thn 2dae(wed) , start packin my stuff into suitcase alr , going KL in two days . hotel decided , 3 star hotel . it's cheap yet vry nice la .
be bck on tues yaw .
wont be blogging until tues or wed okeyh ?
tkcr ;)