first of all , i wanna say thanks to seri nurhazirah and natasha norhani for updating my blog a wee bit . hahha .
i been MIA for so long already . and i rarely used MSN too nowadays . maybe because of school im getting tired ? hahha , nahh . i on to watch my korea variety show at channel 172 , 173 and of course at youtube . hahha . i like it very much lah .
my mind still thinking whether i should delete my facebook , MSN , friendster and blog ? im kinda getting lazier to update this lame stuff already . im sick and tired of it .
and yea , made up my mind . i wont be buying chocs for Nas , Hidayat , Danial , Sharul already uh . i keep giving them when they asked for it . and i sometimes had none to it . what is this ? am i being to generous ? i hoped not , course i will stop buying it . so sorry for letting you guys down , but pls , don't asked from me another chocs again .
a conversation with Nas over chocs ;
me ; Nas nie eh , aku selalu kasih kau chocs tapi kau tk pernah kasih aku ape ape shey . maner fair !
Nas ; eh , aku kan kasi kau FREN FREN .
me ; aku nan kau memang FREN pe . lagy kau nk kasih .
lawls , lame right ? nehmind . stop about the chocs already for god sakes ! im sick and tired of school already lah . i wanna quit ! okok , stop blabbering about yourself . and off to my korean .