hello ;)
sorry for leaving this blog to collect dust . i had a lot of problems lately . a dispute between friendship . a quarrel between him & her . it's really have driven me to the corner . seriously , what's up with you all lately . i know , I've been privatizing and not privatizing my blog lately . please if you are reading my blog right now . read the comments i wrote to you below . i appreciate you by doing that .
Natasha ; you and i both know that we did not get along well and i agreed to that also . not only you but myself . now i wrote to you in a respectful manner , no throwing vulgarities what so ever . seriously , i know that blog is for us to express our inner feelings . when i saw you wrote about me a couple of weeks ago , i scold you . then you say to me . "but if you write about me , did i care ? no right" then , i had a flashback . since you can do that . how come when i wrote about you and syafiqah about your attitude you come and scold me and call people to help you ? you think by doing that i also cannot call people ? seriously , i know you know we both want to stop all this conflict . but i guess there's no way . so i think it's the best for us to keep a distance away . i will not be privatizing my blog anymore . you want to spam or what so ever , go ahead . i got no more stuff to deal with you anymore ;)
Kings Lee ; i know you have been trying hard to locate and read my blog . and somemore you scold me for writing about you ? well , do you have a prove that i wrote about you on my blog ? i guess not right ? by only hearing people saying that i wrote some mean word on you and you want to belief ? where's your ultra-ego dude ? for me , when i wanna write stuff on someone i will only use initials . i repeat only INITIALS . do you get it now ? and you say to me i could be fined for doing that ? noped . i will not be fined even if you report it to the school or police . the reason is simple . i did not write about racist stuff and i did not write something bad about other people religion . if i do that i could be arrested and fine . by talking bad about someone is not a crime kings lee . keep that up in mind ;)
i keep on thinking and thinking why my attitude like this . seriously , i also do not know . i've been trying to get some help from friends all that but , i guess they all lose hope on me . well . it's me and i'm being myself . what do you aspect ? ALLAH give this to me to be who i am ? do you think you can change me ? i don't think so because the only one that could change me is , me and only me . hope you understand .
hellos ;)
ok , here the deal . it's kinda hard for me to put in private blog all that . there still a couple of those who have not yet received my invites but it's ok though . i decided not to private it anymore so that the passerby - ers can see it . i'm great aren't i ?
just a short post now . going out later to break fast with mom & bro .
Annyeong !

i know i look different , not myself as you can see ;)
hellos ;) today was a miserable day for me . had a disputes between SKL & R & J . don't wish to elaborate . just so you know i cried 4 times in class today just because of that . malay boys around me , makes me laughs . especially shamm . keep on calling my name and say "aku support kau tau . i maki dia lagi" he kept calling and calling my name till i giggle . hidayat saw that i giggle and say "shamm dia ketawa" haha damn funny ;)
tomorrow going bugis . must meet at jurong point by 1.30PM to take train to bugis . got to bring jacket . as it going to be cold down there .
i still have not yet to eat . just came back from auntie idah house . fed barriq and batrisyia chocolates . barriq kept on wanting more . 13 months already can eat a lot .
i'm sleepy right now . got to have a nap . annyeong !

i saw sungminie new photo here ;) it was from his cyworld
school finished at 2.10PM today . kinda lagged day for me . reached school when to take common test , maths paper of cause . damn difficult for me . but i find it favorable for me to do so . HISTORY was boring as usual , copied some notes . ENG was ok for me . wrote some stuff inside file for file checking . then SCI , it was enjoyable ! RECESS was next . drank VICO , it taste like shit for once . MILO is more better . treat Sneha nuggets . ART was next . i do bracket whereas Rushdaa do the snake shape . the shape thingy hurt my hand . blood oozed out . MATHS was next . i was caught SMS-ing my brother , teacher gave me a chance ;) life-skills , MS Tan took it as ENG lesson again .
see how boring my life is for once . enough about bloggeh . i gonna watch my boys over flower episode 16 now .

so far that's the latest pics i found on the site . look at sungminie hair . look at eunhyukie new hairdo . as usual , yesungie & donghae looks wonderful as always ;)
it has been 4 days since i let my bloggeh collect dust . common test is here . study my guts out till late . let see , what did i dot he past few days .
early morning , was still sleeping . brother drag me out of bed . he put his both hands on my body and start to shake vigorously . mom wanted to go to polyclinic to take medicine . bath , took taxi as it was raining . waited for like 2 hours . with no food inside my tummy . after that , rushed to jurong point to eat . go NTUC to bought some stuff . bought a drawer and a dog bone pillow for myself . happy ;) at night . dad got home . when to eat outside at bedok . went to eat at "Mediterranean grill spize" spent around $50 . damn cheap .
never go anywhere . just rot at home . and yea , received $50 from grand dad . thnkx !
school . leave school around 2PM like that . took bus at xingnan , as usual . went to mcdonalds to have take away . nathaniel was there to . went home togather .
school . lessons sucks . i was bored so i went home straight after i took common test . got cramps too ;(
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
bored you all with my rubbish . & those who don't know why i never online anymore . it's because i change my MSN . want to know ? tell me ? i'm lazy to add

yesung is awesome ~
you may noticed i stop using annyeonghaseyo wanie imnida all that . well i stop using it . but i will soon used it again . just don't have that kind of feeling yet . see my mood ;)
today for me i like to be describe it as "dull" . lessons were bored . let me see what lesson i had today . supposedly must have MPE but due to Common test for the other levels it was stop . our class did ERP until 7.50AM . must do maths corrections along with revisions for Common test next week . do until 8.35AM . then PE , ran there , ran here . maddening tired . 1 person talk . whole class must run again & again . MR Chua is so strict . then i must report to MR Chung . he saw me tired so he let me rest . fyqa keep holding my chest to feel my heartbeat . she say my heartbeat very fast , she can't even felt hers . mad funny . PE ended at 9.50AM . ENG lessons were next . did summary on passage B . until halfway . Sham copied my homework . he don't know all the answer . after that it was recess . did not eat though . i bring $3 today as it was friday . and i told mom i never go out or stayed back so i get that little pathetic money . bought sweet drinks and minerals . Nas & Sham keep drink & drinking my water . maddening you know ! then recess ended at 10.45AM MT were next , did at library . MR Lui were there teaching other students MATHS . MT was okay for me . did my dialog corrections . MDM Diyana say i improved a lot ;) then did my MT workbook . ended at 12PM . RP were next . did Reflections , then talk craps . go down to canteen at 12.20PM to have canadian pizza . he bought 10 large pizzas . next MR Lui ! then went home with Shi Hui & Amalina .
my life could not be more worst than yours . i'm miserable . i gone through this & that . i wanna breakout !

Wanie Imnida
seeing this guy up here ? his name is yesung from super junior of cause . his my favourite . the rest still awesome but he is on top of my list ;) seeing him makes me smile ~~~
sorry for the lack of postings nowadays . nope , only yesterday . i was mad tired . i had a couple of drinks with friends before headed home at 7.30PM . i ate , then off i go to sleep . i felt that i have let my teammates down . i almost want to cried hearing from shi hui & jessica words . they keep saying "wanie it's only a game , we won't blame you , you tried your best ." thanks guys .
i can't change my blogskins and change the songs because blogger is officially spoilted . i really want to put up that skin and that song to make someone jealous .
E.L.F now have 9,540 in singapore . i'm one of them . haha . sign up a petition for them to come to singapore please . ask me for links ;)

Wanie Imnida
bloggeh is sick again . and so am i . i never got o school today , due to sickness and laziness . just plain both .
you saw this pics above ? i love that 1 year old boy , Muhhamad Ameerul Bariq . i heard a good news just now , the mother , kak Idah is pregnant . still 1 month only . i hoped it's a girl just like Nur Aqeelah Batrisyia , Bariq sister wished for . i really hoped so , because if it is a girl , the name will be Nur Aqeerah Bilqis . sungguh unique skali . and if it is a boy the name would be , Muhhamad Ameeran Batrid . love the name can ?
I want to play L4D now .

Wanie Imnida
just got back from school . tired =.= this kind of face annoys you am i right ? i also hate this face . i think i'm going to be sick again . i wish not to . can't afford to be sick . it sucks . my back ache so much . yesterday msg kitt . somethng somethng somethng . secret ;) i need to go now and sleep . don't think of going to school tomorrow due to this thng called "laziness"

Wanie Imnida
i got to go to school today and it kinda awesome for me as i get to be with "so-called" friends again . but in the morning i reached school , i was kinda sick . took temperature . above trigger temperature . so just sat down at foyer . i don't feel like going home , so i just sat there at the foyer and do self study . study on maths . kinda hard for me coping alone . i need someone to guide me through all this stuff . it's making my head burst . i only managed to join in the class at 10.10 am . i was having reccess at 9.40am . cnt mixed with others . hahha ;) have reccess twice . shared chocs with malay dudes as K never came to school today . quite sad . it's ok . buying him chocs tmr if he come .
Shamm seriously gettin disgusted ! he asked me to on bluetooth and i did , guess what he send ? he sent porn ! disgusting right ? shameless freaks as i called him now . but , he still ok . funny guy with the reactions ~
ouhh ~ someone likes super junior toos . read bro friends bloggeh . he like super junior now as my bro introduced? them to him and kept on playing sorry sorry and it's you . haha what can i say ? cant resist them . too bad you are not an E.L.F dude ! i am . see E.L.F noticed board . nearly 9000 people in singapore itself are E.L.F to super junior . i have send UFO emails to fancafe . hoped that they will reply ? i hoped so . it's a once in a lifetime . just finished ready donghae cyworld . a mini-homepage . kinda like bloggeh ? he replied UFO msg to E.L.F . asking them how are they and all sorts of things to support everything they do . ahhh ~ saranghaeyo Lee Donghae . read Lee Sungmin entry toos . 1 cute little girl called him "ahjushi" and he kinda sad as "ahjushi" is an uncle in hangul language . he then took a foto with the little girl . he make a sad but somehow aegyo face .
wow ~ a whole paragraphed about super junior doesn't seem to bother me . but i don't want to bored my readers to death aniways . a post like this takes up 1 hour to write . as i wanted it to be "so-called" prefecto ~ i don't want to type animore . back is aching , got to sleep .

Wanie Imnida ;)
atlast , blogger is fine already . but im getting used to of using photobucket and friendster to get the codes and pics ready . im still sick . never go to school today . sore throat , dizziness , running nose and coughing . mr lui asked me to go doctor tmr if unwell . common test is next week already . i can't afford to lose anymore lesson just because im sick right ? 11 days of no schooling does sucks for me . but at the same time it's kinda good cause i get to sleep more often than usual . tmr got to get up and prepared for school no matter how sick i am . hoped mr lui won't noticed .
i get this msg via sms of cause .
K stands for the guy .
K ; hey free right now ?
me ; why ?
K ; i was wondering if you would like to go out since you owe me choclates
me ;both of us only uh ?
K ; ya , the others all busy
me ;ouh . tmr can ? todae im sick thts why i nvr come school
K ; ouh it's alright . cant go tmr cause there's dance
me ; thn when you free ?
K ; todae and on 22nd august which is on ______ birthday party
me ; this wk you after school all not free .
K ; yea , sorry to dissapoint you
me ; it's ok . when you free just msg me k
K ; ok
thn we continue about other stuff and so on . sorry i cnt go out with you todae , as i am sick . next time when im okeyh thn we go out togather yeas ?
my back is starting to ache . very pain for me to endure it . why am i still not well ? just what's wrong with me ? H1N1 ? no way man . got to go and eat now , havent eaten since morning .

Wanie Imnida
i'm having insomia right now . bullshit right ? i think i just lost adib . this is how it goes . i called adib up .
me ; hello
Adib ; hello
me ; guess who this
Adib ; syazwanni . eh wanie wanie
me ; asal bising kat situ ?
Adib ; kat cyber uh
me ; ouh lan shop uh .
Adib ; yeah .
me ; go home already remember to call me eh ?
Adib ; ok bye
me ; bye
few days later
Adib ; wanie . what you doing ;)
me ; why suddenly msg me ?
Adib ; to chat lah . last time my prepaid finished so can't msg you . don't wan talk then bye uh .
me ; k . chow uh dude .
translated from malay to english . see . it sucks doesn't it ? i noe adib since november via friendster . then one day he chat with me on MSN . we talkcrap thn on december he asked me , whether want to join him during new year . told him i see first . thn we kinda hooked up on 15 december 08 . until i was mad at him on february . we silently breakup . he go with illa . and when they two breakup . i was there to listen his sorrows all that . he even cried . i feel sad for him . illa asked me to get him back . but i can't . then now ? a friendship like this turns sour ? i'm really not sure what to do now . i guess it's the end .

Wanie Imnida ;)
don't feel like going to bold today . feels like changing blog skins . any idea anyone ? i want it to be grey or white or both . no pink pls . i don't like pink anymore as some of you guys have already know . but what do to ? i want to change everything to grey or white . but it's hard to change as my every stuff is pink . my baby milo wallet also pink , should change it to black or grey . i think that the bloggeh is sick . i need to used both friendster and photobucket to do my post . ma fan lehh !
today is mum's birthday , did not buy her anything uh . mianhae , i got no money . i go taman jurong just now in the morning to have late breakfast . mum buy 3 horfun and also a char kueh? rojak for us to eat . i never finished mine as it was alot on my plate . then go to NTUC to buy some stuff , bought kennedy a belated present . hoped you like it kennedy ;) . it's 100% dark choclates dude . you gonna loved it .
mum , dad , kak nana and nenek are currently gone . they are off to arab street to buy hari raya pheyhh kain . i tell mum i wanna where white this year . syukk also gonna wear white if im not wrong ? at 8PM going bedok to eat western food . no mad jack's uh , as it's damn far at jalan ubi and dad is lazy to drive that far . apasajelah ayah nieyh . wdvr =.=
my back is in great pain as my back hit the pole when my cuzzy accidentaly push me bhind . kang ! apalagi ? push him as hard as i can till he cried . once again my hatred goes to him and also i feel joesonghabnida for pushing him that hard till his shoulder is in pain . well same as me dude ! fair and square !
well , got to go now .