Monday, August 31, 2009


hello ;)

sorry for leaving this blog to collect dust . i had a lot of problems lately . a dispute between friendship . a quarrel between him & her . it's really have driven me to the corner . seriously , what's up with you all lately . i know , I've been privatizing and not privatizing my blog lately . please if you are reading my blog right now . read the comments i wrote to you below . i appreciate you by doing that .

Natasha ; you and i both know that we did not get along well and i agreed to that also . not only you but myself . now i wrote to you in a respectful manner , no throwing vulgarities what so ever . seriously , i know that blog is for us to express our inner feelings . when i saw you wrote about me a couple of weeks ago , i scold you . then you say to me . "but if you write about me , did i care ? no right" then , i had a flashback . since you can do that . how come when i wrote about you and syafiqah about your attitude you come and scold me and call people to help you ? you think by doing that i also cannot call people ? seriously , i know you know we both want to stop all this conflict . but i guess there's no way . so i think it's the best for us to keep a distance away . i will not be privatizing my blog anymore . you want to spam or what so ever , go ahead . i got no more stuff to deal with you anymore ;)

Kings Lee ; i know you have been trying hard to locate and read my blog . and somemore you scold me for writing about you ? well , do you have a prove that i wrote about you on my blog ? i guess not right ? by only hearing people saying that i wrote some mean word on you and you want to belief ? where's your ultra-ego dude ? for me , when i wanna write stuff on someone i will only use initials . i repeat only INITIALS . do you get it now ? and you say to me i could be fined for doing that ? noped . i will not be fined even if you report it to the school or police . the reason is simple . i did not write about racist stuff and i did not write something bad about other people religion . if i do that i could be arrested and fine . by talking bad about someone is not a crime kings lee . keep that up in mind ;)

i keep on thinking and thinking why my attitude like this . seriously , i also do not know . i've been trying to get some help from friends all that but , i guess they all lose hope on me . well . it's me and i'm being myself . what do you aspect ? ALLAH give this to me to be who i am ? do you think you can change me ? i don't think so because the only one that could change me is , me and only me . hope you understand .
