today school is quite awesome . had a few giggles here and there . when home with some of the malay kids . a lot of happening
update bit by bit
byes ,

i think i'm currently suffering from depression . i go crazy yesterday like a mad cow . why must you force me into doing things i don't want to ?
love -
i'm not going to search for guys anymore , it's not the right time yet . i don't want like how my previous relationship with adib end . no words no nothing . it sucks right ? imisshim so very much
school -
sucks as always . but i've been paying attention in class a lot lately . maybe it's because EOY around the corner ? going to mug real hard for it .
life -
sucks ! i'm really depressed . going see counselor soon about family matter .
i'm still have not spent my hari raya money . still thinking of what to buy . maybe keeping inside my bank ? maybe buy stuff . thinking ...
i got to go now .

sungminnie is awesome
i dont have a time to blog anymore ! everybody has been getting on my nerve .
that bitch
that bitch
that bitch !
to someone , please do not think it's you if it is not you
itu kau punyer problem . aku nie sebagai kawan kau sudah tolong kau banyak kali . biler dorang cakap nama kau ajer , kau dahh melalak . kau suruh aku teman kau balik . sampai sanggup tau aku buang mase aku hantar kau kat busstop kau ingat aku free sangat per ? kau ader rahsia ke problem ke . jangan pergi kat aku . kau sendiri tahu aku nyer mulut . yes i cant keep a certain secret . and ye , betol aku pecah kan rahsia kau . sekarang aku punyer pasal ah dorang marah kau ? save it lah ehk malas nak entertain . saper suruh kau blang aku ?
memang betol aku blang kau yang N ngan aku tak rapat tapi setakat untuk bobal kau kater aku nan dier dah rapat ? it's mine problem if i wanna talk to her so stay out of it . aku pun tak rapat nan kau lah eyh . aku step bobal nan kau ajer . so dont think that im am your friend J . kau baru tahu perangai dier cam gitu ? hahah bagus lah . aku dah lamer eyh tahu . she scold you i don't want to her you . i say my peace .
(look up)
so long right ? sorry if dont understand . dont be kpo :x
i got to go now . bye

crying ? crying is what i'm borne with
this few days been crying like there's no way to get out of it
sensitive ? yes , you should know well
all you say sorry ? you sincerity is not needed
thank you
totally not in the mood . i told mom that i don't want to celebrate much this year , due to the stress i'm having right now . i may black out anytime soon now . just don't know when .
yesterday , when i 'm going home , walked in the rain . feels that my anger has all gone out . was all wet , still i was in awe . should try it sometime anytime now .
i don't want to blog anymore . i want to get it of my shoulders as i kept on wondering when i should update and what post i'm going to update about .
i had problems with friends . reflection period yesterday , wrote all the hatredness in the journal so the teacher himself will know what happening to me .
getting dizzy spells nowadays too . i feel like killing myself . and i don't think i have the guts to do it . but if i'm am driven to the corner , i will . no choice . i don't want to leave no more .
yesterday , so many things happen . i want to run away from home just because i had a fought with my auntie . my grab hold of me to just ignore the comments . she to stand by me .
makcik makcik aku semua otak mampos . even both of my parents say that . my father side of cause .
i'm not sure what to say . all the things i say had been written down .
take your time to read . maybe it's my last post
goodbye and takecare

hpmm ... what did i do yesterday ? ahh yes , i went to jurong east to do my ez-link card . must pay $28 . money flew away . i now in my pocket left around $2 . see , im poor .
me and NUYUUN held a planning to go break fast together as a cuzzy . we all agreed to bring Kitt . but Kitt no money so i wont force her . i asked my dad for permission . and he say "gasak kau lah adik" hahha gerek ke per ? since NUYUUN had no problem with it as she got freedorm . but i still do not know where to go . Jurong Point ? hpmm .

you guys know him ? he not in 2PM already . he quit cause he cant take it anymore by the anti's . he gone back to Seattle . going to miss him :(
yesterday , for breaking fast i bought MacDonald . McSpicy as usual ;) go home to find my lovely brownies all eaten by my monstrous brother . i cried of cause . eat finished . yana came over to grandma house bake brownies together . simply delicious !
today for sahur , only me , yana and fadil wake up . the rest sleep like there's no tomorrow . from 11.30PM till 3.45AM i cant sleep . im anaemic ! i woke up first of cause =.= prepare the dishes . woke up yana and fadil next . thanks yana for cleaning the dishes . then until 7.00AM i fell asleep . 10.00AM woke up . i cant seem to sleep well . not sure why .

not forgetting Kyuhyun and Heechul imnida(its)
they look similar . kyuhyun becoming more matured and handsome already ;)

i loved this picture so much can ? until i upload it twice in blog ;)
so yea , today wake up at 10.30am . on comp . clean my lens case . and start baking brownies . grandma , maid and brother say it very nice . im the only one that fast today . the rest are not . i want to break it , but mom does not allowed . going to make another batch later on ;)
going polyclinic later . brother is sick , kept on vomiting and shitting . get well soon cause i don't want to fast alone ! nanti aku pula kena buka seseorang sahaja . kesian kan aku sedikit lah . boleh ?
i still have not done any of my homework . will start tomorrow . but i don't feel like doing it . my grades has drop tremendously and yet i have this kind of atrocious attitude of me being not studying ? it's ok . i need time to settle my attitude .

i almost cried my heart out when i saw this picture above^^ , find out why ;)
annyeong !
i think i sick today , i have a gastritis problems & sore eyes . damn , i hate it when i'm sick during the holidays like this .
why youtube nowadays very slow ? i can't seems to watch at one go . i'm now pausing the video to let it load finish . waste my time only :(

yes ! like finally i can blog . you wanna know why ? because it has been shut down thrice and i've start over again . damn ! my computer is lagging and breaking down day by day .
i'm going to change my songs soon to 'breathe' by G-Dragon .
yesterday , we all bought stuff we all wanted .
-3 pairs of heels [ mom 2pairs , myself 1pair ]
-3 pairs of jeans [ brother 2pairs , myself 1pair]
-3 sling bags [ brother 1 , myself 2 ]
-clothes , pants [ a lot to count ]
yeah ! that's the main things we bought other than personal stuff & food ;) ate at Marrybrown . not that favorite their chicken sucks like seriously . even dad says so . did not managed to buy contact lens . mom says next time . ouh well , looks like i've to wait .
going to start making kueh raya today . i'm baking brownies today too . so happy .

i left this blog to collect dust again . i've been busy lately thus , leaving this blog to collect dust .
yesterday was the last day of school . i don't feel like going to school but mom as me to go as it was the last day . make a deal with her . so she allowed me not to fast ;)
school end at 12.30pm . took bus at xingnan , syuk called if i'm free . go home , bathe , ate , go out . never fast , so we both still got time to but bubble tea , not caring if t he malays saw us or not . she bought contact lens , grey in colour , last pair ;) me bought pudding . haha . then went home .
today , i fasting . going Johor later when dad get home to get my Hari Raya clothes and to buy high heels for me . buying contact lens too . Hazel in colour ;)
1 week break finally here like yeah ! been wating for so long . no school . but i have tons of homework ;( don't think i going to finish it . it's too many .
dad saw my report book . got a scolding from him . i find my grades have drop a lot ;(
English ; 33|100
Mother tongue ; 65|100
Maths ; 19|100
Science ; 65|100
History ; 48|100
Literature ; 56|100
Art ; 58|100
Home Economics ; 50|100
i drop a lot . my results have not yet been like this before . maybe cause i've been absenting myself from school lately ? consequences had been paid ;(

i like my current song . sang by G-Dragon .
early morning wake up 9.30am to find my brother playing computer . i was bored , so i when to my neighbour house . bathed , go find them again . went to police post to make police report . supposed to go to family court with them , but it's too far . so mummy don't allowed .
go update my twitter . adjust here and there . having twitter also can have money . now i have $5 because i sign up . need another $25 before i can get the money . so press the logo many many times and follow me !
i just done my homework . it was really hard . but in the end i managed to finished it by doing anyhow . Mr Lui says he want a MC . die die also need an MC . but i never go see doctor . i feel like telling him straight in the face that if there are celebrations and no study i will 100% won't come school . how about that ? even my parents know me well . i want to drop out of school , really . i don't want to study anymore . i want to go and find work so that i could have my own money . school is too stress for me . and i can't take it anymore . the equations and topic are really hard . by sending me to school , what will i learn ? nothing ! you will only waste your money by sending me to school . i go there , copy here copy there , look at the teachers face , go home . in the end ? nothing is being thought to me .
yesterday at midnight , wanciner suddenly sms me , but i ignored it till 10am . chat with him and so on . goodluck for your N-Levels next week yeah ? cheering for you ;)