yay , i could touch a laptop now . be happy for me :)
now at home , im bored . not onlining course i know he be online .
went arcade yesterday , haha , dpt jugak duit rayer . won a daisy duck :) going later again . mom gave me and bro $10 to enjoy . i hoped i won a lot this time . byes :):)
it's over bby
i don't get it why ? when i'm working , i find it too tired and i wished that i would not have work . but now when i had a 3 days off , i suddenly feel like working ? come on ebynie , apahal nie ?
saw someone facebook just now . jgn lah bergadoh lagi . krg dah berape lamer together ? lamer taws ! all i wish to you guys is , all th best alright ? cheer up :)
sorry baby , i can no longer thrust you . i hid you well enuff from surfacing you from blog and to my friends . i finally can let go out you without any doubts . so far , you are th best guy :)
you scolded my when th ring you gave me on th 151109 , lost it . it ain't my fault ! what has been done has been done . you can't unwind time baby . got a advice from someone . if i could not thrust you animore , i should let you go . thanks to that advice i decided to called it quits . for those who really wanted to know this person is ... *it's still a secrets*
i miss you baby , hoped you will drop by KFC soon like you used too .
women who can't say bye , man who can't leave
haha , like finally i get to retrived my password . i change my password . it's hard but i remember it :):)
yesterday , bfo going work had lunch at banquet with fion , zhilin & sky . i was th only malay =.=
i kept telling NuReen , i make th wrong choices . only NuReen knows :):)
went to work , sky get th very first complained by th costumer . me , zhilin & sky headed to th office to have a 'little' chat with th manager . && zheng yong was there laughing =.=
today i just need to work then tmr , thurs , fri i off . weee ~
but i sat & sun must work =.=
bye loves ,
i just change my wallpaper :)
lovin it ~
i hate you & you
dine at pizzahut yesterday with family minus brother + yana :)
bye loves ,
why am i so stupid all of th sudden ? you & you as th manager should atleast called and tell me that i am not suppose to work today . and yet , i came to work just to tired myself out is it ? what kind of attitude is that ? i still rmb clearly that you wrote
WANIE ; monday-sat ; 4-11PM
and now you change th schedules without telling me ? KNNCCB i tell you :P
i guess you really dont know me too well . it's okay thats all i need to say .
yesterday , i guess was th worst day of my life . 2 ppl were not there when that happen . good thng a lot of ppl back me up . even th manager . i wanna say thanks you . my darling was not there . only sky was there . he kept asking me to cheer up . i want to quit soon . even after you scolded me , you still want to give me a hug when i was at th corner crying ? what th hell ? i was crying my heart out . darling come work okay ?
had an ice cream after all that commotion to ease my anger . uses brother money instead of mine *cheeky*
maybe i wont be a cashier anymore . im trying to ask for other position :) wish me luck . hwaiting !
i had a fun day working yesterday with th crews . especially with sky & zhilin . we keep disturbing her by calling her ahlian ~
sky call me ahlian also :( i called him chao ahbeng in th end :) tic for tac right ?
yesterday was not even tiring for me . looks like i enjoy it for th first time ever since i was working there :) *thumbs up*
zhilin today not working , so im left with sky , cannot disturb her la already .
kaykay , stop it now . i got 1 more hour bfo' im left to work . facebook time !
congrats SHINee for wining triple crown :):)
Onew get well soon :):)
i work today although im off . th big boss is in today . ouhh what a hard time going to be . going to work at 5-11PM . tired ~
i've been working for 5 days and today i finally had off . i asked for off tmr also as i drop dead tired . i make such an important decision so young . i was so foolish bad then . i know working at that kind of environment need some sacrifices as i was a newbie . but now , good thng i had th hang of it already . you all could not scold me anymore . im so happy :) i also trying my best to get along with them as im going to work there for another 6 mthns or so . so wish me luck .
fighting !
3 days , without rice . can you survive ? well i can . i think im losing weight already :) *wide grins*
byes loves ,
every night , i kept on crying and crying as i make th wrong choice to work at th tender age . it has only been 3 days since i started working and i already fell severely ill . i lost my voice , runny nose and my whole body is totally killing me . i guess that i cant seems to adapt my working environment . i wanted to quit as soon as possible . th kfc crews are really killing me . scolding my for my littlest mistakes .
how i wish i could unwind time :(
- shit
i seriously sick today after my second day of work . maybe i cant seem to cope cause im still young ? i dont know ...
th manager is ok , but at 11pm when closed already i say i finish cleaning already . then she say go and help . i try see see all done already then she say can go home . give me a fuckin glam face .
ouhh yeahh , saw some A2 kids ytd haha . they laugh at me :) dad & mom also come to KFC , but they go to fion & zhilin counter . malu tau :(
today will be working from 3-11PM . im so tired

no title today as i cant figure it out any .
first day of work was fun . da yong(is tht his name?) helped me out today . today will be with him again . the manager says that she will give me sweets as i say him good *claps*
today will be working 5-11PM but will report early . brother maybe arnd 6PM ?
kayy got to go and bath . i very th busuk :)
- tired
i just started my work today . 4-7PM and im already as tired as i can be .
tmr i will be working from 5-11PM till closing time . good thing i got company . guess who ? haha , my brother of course . but he will come in an hour later bfo' me .
i wont be able to go facebook or go online as often bfo' . busy already .
wish me luck guys .
Aja ! Aja !
- fuck
sorry for not updating my blog :)
went back to school yesterday at 9am . shit man , if i know i will not come to school cause can check at portal . i blame ______ for not telling me :(:(
good news is that im still in A2 . but there's a lot of people will be same class as me . fuck you siahh ! damn unlucky . go away lahh .
Natasha ; kau happy kan ? kau bkn A1 ?? kau nan sharul masehh A2 . :):)
tmr going kota tinggi with my father boss to swim at waterfall :) must sleep early as i need to wake up 5am . ouhh man . hope it's great :)
&& did i mention ? i found work too . haha . be happy for me :):)
get those quotes ?
i really like them . especially , joon & mir :)
love the song "oh yeah" ! got to change that song to my playlist soon .
let see what i did for the past few days ...
Saturday night . grandparents , aunties uncles & parents , were out for rewang for my big cousin wedding . did not go as i dont like to rewang :(
so me and brother play computer till late night . i was so bored playing computer i on the DVD to watch "i love you beth cooper" the movie overall was thumbs up . cant believe that the father asked him to have sex :p i intend to wait for them till they get home . but i fell asleep as it was over 2am in the morning .
Sunday morning ; first one to bath :) as i know there will be a lot of people wanting to have their bath . so chop first . wear my baju kebaya :):) mom help me dress me up as i need to put on tube whatsoever lah .

go out of the house by 12 noon . met up the rest . alermakk ! must rewang . give out the goodies and drying and washing the cups and plates . the rest of my cousins also kena :(:(:(
met abg boyboy . he say me and i are couple as we wear same colour of clothes . he sat next to me when eating . then he asked "ader boifriend tak ?" punyer lah malu . then i go away as my mom say people will be coming then he shout at my mother , "tk leh lah . ni boyboy nyer girlfriend" lols kn . take picute also say must hug2 . :):)
picutes will be upload soon :)