i don't get it why ? when i'm working , i find it too tired and i wished that i would not have work . but now when i had a 3 days off , i suddenly feel like working ? come on ebynie , apahal nie ?
saw someone facebook just now . jgn lah bergadoh lagi . krg dah berape lamer together ? lamer taws ! all i wish to you guys is , all th best alright ? cheer up :)
sorry baby , i can no longer thrust you . i hid you well enuff from surfacing you from blog and to my friends . i finally can let go out you without any doubts . so far , you are th best guy :)
you scolded my when th ring you gave me on th 151109 , lost it . it ain't my fault ! what has been done has been done . you can't unwind time baby . got a advice from someone . if i could not thrust you animore , i should let you go . thanks to that advice i decided to called it quits . for those who really wanted to know this person is ... *it's still a secrets*
i miss you baby , hoped you will drop by KFC soon like you used too .