im just not in the mood yet
having moodswings nowadays due to the redlight
later at 2 meeting fion to slacked with our work clothes when work is at 4 =.=
thinking on what to do during that particular time
salary out already , me & fion quite disappointed with the salary they gave us .
ouhh well , it's a crappy job by the way :)
yesterday , was a dull day for me . i think i In-charge cashier .
doing backing up , giving them breaks , top up stuff , supply ice . too tired .
messi say
' i let you try , if you do good job i let you do again , bad job no more uh '
i also don't want be IC !
was in bad mood because of someone , and some people asking me to chill , sabar jer eh wanie .
hope that today i won't be IC , cashier is less tiring than being an IC for the day !