even though i asked you to make that important decision yourslef .
i know that i could not offer any help with that & im sorry .
you sacrifice those people who loved you to me & im proud of it .
so i want to say thank you :)
im not sure whats going on with me this past 2 days , i have been emotionly up & downs all the time . i wish that all this stuff could just be gone . no body understand how i feel right now . i need to find a way to endure this kind of feeling .
i need my love ones to be right here beside me & support me in everything i do or say . i no need a person who is beside me to tell me that i made a mistake or nag me all day long . you guys should really respect my decision to it .
since me & that special someone has come to a decision , you guys may not be able to see me no more .
& ily , mystery man :)