pictures was taken on christmas eve . i think it was the worst day to work ! so tired ! running here and there like dog
yesterday go wild wild wet one word , it was awesome
looks like tuesday my last day :) school starting soon aah .
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
looks like im going to wild wild wet this saturday with my dad sides cannot wait !
Sunday, December 19, 2010
haaii ^^ i don't know why , but i don't really feel like wearing makeup this days been taking care of my face lately and it's a total success i guess ? no oily face and pimples !
okay , so my lips has been swollen for like 2 days now and it's really painful for me to endure . feel like biting my lips hard hard !
so just now at 1 i went to johor with family to buy stuff . i bought lots of undergarments and bras . HAHA ! fried food and also ice-cream !
okayokay , eh baaiii
Friday, December 17, 2010
i am so fat ! i am so ugly ! if only i have the money to do plastic then i would be pretty but then i would be fake .
Thursday, December 16, 2010
and so i quit my job at nyny already so sad right ? whatever , i don't give shitxzxz anymore ! wawan , balik lot 1 sudaaaa
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
looks like someone is down with fever aaww , takecare !
jani and shahril entering NS today ! good luck !
saw 6 is awesomexzxz ! haha ! kay bye .
Sunday, December 12, 2010
yay ! back from camp ! it was so fun i like the outdoor games where we get down and dirty it is like once in a lifetime experience ! i really like the loft which is like an apartment for us to stay in and yeah , i slept alone ! and i never even sleep a blink !
supposed to end at 3 but drag till 5.30 when i work at 6 . so i took off instead . and i slept like a pig when i reached home until the next morning where my mom yell ' wanni ! bangun ! pukol berape nak keje ni ? ' fuuuhh sungguh memekak gilaaaaa .
work was amazingly fun today . 12-4 , 6-9 . after work ate burger king with conroy and yin zheng . their last day will be on next week sunday . haish . agustine also leaving soon . then le hao also , then shermaine also ! one by one lei . i will be quitting on jan 16 :( i need to prepare for N lvls you know so kene sacrifice abit uuhh .
okayokay , i just ate pizza and i'm having stomachache so bye !
Thursday, December 09, 2010
will be away for camp . bye
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
so yesterday i had a lot of fun with jani , shahril , taqim and wawan . meet jani at boonlay interchange while waiting for taqim . darah up tunggu die . punye laa lame . fuuuhhh . then soon shahril meet us . train to raffles then walk to lau pa sat . total bill was $106 plus ? then i only pay $20 :) after that , headed to dhoby ghaut to play L4D2 . syiok habes . but only play one hour cause it was getting late and i have curfew :(
the guys play L4D maciam pro , but i play relax relax only . heeheheh . okay laa , gonna miss jani and shahril when they enter NS which is like less than 6 days ! omgzxzxz laaaa :(
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
FML ! nothing is going the right way for me . hate it what am i suppose to do ?
i am wondering to myself , why nowadays people keep showing me their motherfucking attitude ? be it a work or with friends . are they even my friend ?
i miss a lot of people . i need them
Saturday, December 04, 2010
work has been a bitch lately -.- working with you sucks and and oh yea , i want to forget you . i dont want to like you anymore . i just want to be friends . no more likeylikey you already :)
going to promise that guy that i am going to be friends with him until i stop work . not going to be a relationship :)
Friday, December 03, 2010
just reach home . OMG i reach home late kene marah ngan ayah . binget :( my neighbor kids are tooooooooo cutezxzzx
woke up at noon , bath when out . buy long john , take away ate at New york New york . Abba came asked me follow him go makan . and i tell him i want to eat something sweet . so ... we went to bakerszin . since it was tea time we managed to get a cheaper price . going next week with abba again :)
today work was a bitch . aku tak abes2 kene pinjak ngan eva :( sodehh tau :(
gee , im tired . off to lalalalalalaland nites
Thursday, December 02, 2010
i'm so jealous of kitt ! she has a hot body , she's thin , she is very pretty and what's more ? she's white !! aku jealous . huhuhuhuhuhuhu :(
hahahah i seriously can't stop laughing at my neighbor . with all the screaming shouting and crying all day long . but i still love my neighbor :)
late at night last night , i ate macdonald . ah , so fattening ...
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
eh haaii
yesterday had lunch with JX and wanwan at lot 1 . i had chicken mushroom mozzarella melts . so nice :)
today in the morning , i made a spaghetti for myself using alfredo sauce . thumbs up for the great effort i put in . i was so sodaaaap ! working later . i miss a lot of people in NYNY .
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
did you miss me ? i sure did miss a lot of people . especially him <3
can't really get him out of my mind . wahaaaaii . what to do ?
so my trip to KL was okayokay . managed to see my and my makcik pakcik . after 11 years of not contacting them , i managed to see them . they changed . well , people changed
alright , let's the pictures do the talking here
update real soon
Sunday, November 21, 2010
will be busy working till thurday , but i still wont be update until next week tuesday . so bye
Monday, November 15, 2010
RWS with syukrina . lot's of photos at facebook going to USS with syukrina soon after my salary come out <3