it was so fun
i like the outdoor games where we get down and dirty
it is like once in a lifetime experience ! i really like the loft which is like an apartment for us to stay in and yeah , i slept alone ! and i never even sleep a blink !
supposed to end at 3 but drag till 5.30 when i work at 6 . so i took off instead . and i slept like a pig when i reached home until the next morning where my mom yell ' wanni ! bangun ! pukol berape nak keje ni ? ' fuuuhh sungguh memekak gilaaaaa .
work was amazingly fun today . 12-4 , 6-9 . after work ate burger king with conroy and yin zheng . their last day will be on next week sunday . haish . agustine also leaving soon . then le hao also , then shermaine also ! one by one lei . i will be quitting on jan 16 :( i need to prepare for N lvls you know so kene sacrifice abit uuhh .
okayokay , i just ate pizza and i'm having stomachache so bye !