my life has turn upside down right now
i don't want to know you anymore
i don't want to see you again
i don't even want to talk to you
during work , i was sick , my face has turn pale but the good thing is that i wore makeup , but people can still see it
tell shahidah that i am not well and she gave me 2 pill to eat it
had a hard time swallowing it , but i managed to though
a lot people asked me if i am okay
&& 2 people said to me that why my face like want to die
while i was working you message me
you making my mood so low
i held in my tears , making sure that nobody knows what going on with me
i sat outside with nobody by my side and zeng yong suddenly asked me this
zeng yong " wanie , you okay or not ? "
me " yeah "
zeng yong " what happened ? "
me " nothing "
zeng yong " you want smoke or not ? "
me " don't want "
then i went inside go to shahidah , show her the message that you send me
cried in front of her
soon sakilah came and i cried somemore
sat outside again to have fresh air
fazwan saw me and question me , i ignored him throughout as i was down .
find a place to sit and asraf came outside and talk to me
asraf " asal kau muker masam jer ? "
me " ( taking out my phone and showed him the message )
asraf " relax wanie , chill "
me " ( crying beside him ) "
only shahidah , sakilah , asraf knows what happened .
i hoped that my mood for tomorrow is good and happy
sorry if my mood tomorrow is not good guys :)