during work , was quite unhappy with some stuff outside , ppl give me bad mood :(
so to cheer myself up , i buy bubble tea for kavitha , shahidah , zhi yang , zeng yong , madam izza and huiling :)
after work while walking to NTUC with them , i tell shahidah about taufic , i tell her that i hate seeing his face , but i like him every much . then she say to me that time will heal all wounds .
so at bus we talk about taufic again , she tell me that he is a good guy and asked me what happened during my date with taufic .
plusplus , i am very happy with my dad !
my dad tells me that i can have a relationship with someone as long as my dad meets him , and i tell him about me and adib being together last time . and he asked me why we broke up , i replied sebab dier ader betiner lain . haha