Proper update need to be post now
You guys miss me is it ?
I miss you guys :D
I'm sick
I'm exhausted
So don't blame me for not updating this blog of mine
I ain't got no free time to update this blog
Maybe i delete it sooner or later
Just wait and see :D
My previous post was actually meant for Taufic
I hoped he reads it
I hope he really do
School has been hectic
Whatever came in goes out
Seriously , i understand what had been teach but when the test is taken , my mind went blank
What the fuck is wrong with me ?
Grades drop tremendously and i'm afraid mom will find out bout it
I really need to buck up
With Physical Education & Mass Physical Education is like a torture for me !
2.4KM run twice a week
How could i survive ?
Kay .
Enough of this shit
Got to go <3