me : ayah ~
ayah : ye adik .
me : ayah , niari toy story 3 dah kluar tau . adik nak ngok boleh .
ayah : ngan sape ?
me : ngah abg .
ayah : pkol brape ?
me : entah . adik nak ngok . please ~
ayah : lah adik , ngok on saturday je lah .
me : alaah ~ kay lah bye
* immediately called mom *
me : mama ~
mama : ade ape adik ?
me : mama , niari toy story 3 dah kluar tau . bleh ngok ?
mama : pkol brape ?
me : entah . tapi adik nk ngok .
mama : abeh ade duit tak ?
me : tkde . tapi abg ade . pakai duit abg dulu pastu mama bayar lah .
mama : dlm card abg ade duit tk ?
me : tkde .
mama : abeh macam mane nk booking ? nanti sold out kang . rugi !
me : tkpe lah mama . tk ramai lah .
mama : gasak krg lah .
* a few moments later *
mama : adik cakap ngan abg suruh book ticket skrang . mama dah masok kan duit .
me : okay okay :D
so thats how i get to watch toy story 3 3D . the funny thing is that , i wore my specs instead of contact lens . so can you all imagine me wearing double ? the specs and the 3D glasses ? super hilarious , i kept on laughing at myself .
so after the movie ends , walk around , saw irfan S. then walk here walk there . was at level 3 at jp2 and newyork newyork was directly below us . ridzwan saw me . smile at each other and talked using hand signal . the manager also saw us . so after that head home . was super duper tired .
today . i do nothing shakes leg only . kak uli wedding is next week ! cant wait :D
bye :D