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Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
play at hall as it was raining .
th hall was slipperyy though .
Err 2dayy learn how to control th movement .
alot of tyme fall .
me and Afiq s. falls alot .
i saw hym fall ,
i will fall wan .
cuz veryy funny .
thn th coach also laugh , laugh .
hahha nth happen really tht much 2dayy ,
feelinq sad .
dunnoe whyy .
bye ♥
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
err ...
ytd qo follow mom qo to hospital ,
took cab qo therr .
reach therr lerr wait nearly 3 hours .
Zzzz ...
yawnss .
thn qo to eat at angsana cafe .
th food cold sia ,
fck them larhhs !!
err thn qo sheng siong at taman jurong therr by taxi .
thn took bus qo home .
quite a borrinq dayy but whole dayy go out .
aiyohh !!
leg pain .
ytd morning qt inline skatinq .
funny .
me and fyqa fall 2gather !!
th sprain her ankle and nvr qo fer todayy th skatinq .
-_- ?!
btw ,,
i hit a van and everybody laughs .
muahhahha ..
2dayy no injuries ,
just fall,fall,fall ..
funnyy sia ..
leg pain and ack ache .
aiyoo !!
bye yaww !♥
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
PS: Bitches && qayys ,
qott bad news ,
i cnt qo inside YCSS ,
bad results !!
Will bloqq 2moro for 2dayy events .
peace yaww !♥ ♥♥
Monday, October 27, 2008
It's mondayy .
2moro qt in-line skatinq wiv fiee && other's too .
Must be at school by 8.30 am sharp .
But i'm qonna meet fion first at boon layy sec therr at 7.45 am thn take bus qo schhooll .
Yawwnn !!
2moro qoinq to be bz .
I tink 2moro i wont be able to bloq larhhs .
Morning fion sms me tok tok ,
Thn i just tok to ADHAM SUPERSTAR !
He hensem okkayy .
Fun to tok to .
Damn hym nvr do my fansiqn .
Hahhas nehmind he's bz wiv school work .
Sharul if eu are readinq this ,
Why eu off ur hp everydayy ?
Hard to contact eu noe ?!!
2moro miqht be qoinq to YCSS ,
see qortt space fer me to qo inside tht school ornort .
Hpmm ...
I really hope`d have larhhs .
Juyinq like sux eu noe .
Th environment alermakk .
But i have to sayy ,
True okayy ...
Bye yawws !
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Okayy now i cn bloqq .
Err ytd follow mom qo hospital at 9 am .
Ate old chang kee first thn take MRT to outram ,
Thn take freeder bus to general hospital blk 3 .
Quite a lonq journey eh ?
Thn after tht go take freeder bus ,
alight at outram park ,
took 124 to far east plaza .
Waloas !!♥
Went therr like wad sial !
Every shop hav hair extension lor !
I qo bcuz like so prettyy marhh .
I take blonde =]]
Th ladyy put on my hair 4 onlyy so $6 ♥
I nxt wk on 1 november ,
doinq it agn .
I put blonde and red .
Yeas ! ♥
After tht ,
qo to takashimaya .
Damn pain sia my leqs !
Ate pretszel .
Thn take bus 174 home !!
Damn !
Wad a lonq post !
Buhbye ♥♥
I'm single !
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Dammit !
sayys tht it was't her after i add her at friendster sia !
I sayy if it was't eu why hav ur friendster email address sia ?
Haixx ..
Hard to dis this kind of ppl .
No thinqs to do ,
spamm ppl bloq rite ?
1 dayy i tell eu ehkk ,
if i ever find ur fuckinq bloq,
i will spam everydayy uhh !!
N.Syukk still nt tokinq to me .
Haixx ..
I'm sorryy tht i tell hym th thruth .
So wad ?
No biq deal rite ?
Nevermind .
Buyers did nt turn up .
My $32 gone .
I will blacklisted her hard dammit !
Yeahss !!
No schhool lerrh .
Cn jln2 wiv outside frens .
Mishh Kristle lots !
Cnt wait to meet her !
But i do need to qo to schhool 2moro to qiv papper .
Haixx .
Last but nt list !!
I want to wishh HAPPY BIRTHDAYY !!
To my kecikk fren !
Bye peeps !
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Make a deal will alott of customer 2dayy .
Make nearlyy $48 alr larhh .
If i havv tht moneyy on my damn hands ,
i qonna buy a new pair of deqree contacts .
Yeahh !
Just noww in th morninq my teacher call to ask me qo schh 2moro .
DAMN lazyy siol to qo .
2moro last dayy wadd !
Conform allot ppl wont come one larhhs !
Bye ♥

Maybee i will change th URL of my bloq .
Or perhaps make it private jyeahh ?
I sayy to sharul tht i wanna qo schh with hymm .
He sayy see 1st .
Lols !!
I nvr come schh 2dae .
Perhaps nt qoinq to schh animore .
I'm sickk of schh !
Fion tell me tht her birthdayy celebration will be at th chalet therr .
She invite me .
I tell her see ferz bahh kk ?
My bdae ishh onlie 4 mthns away .
My mom sayys if i failed my overall exams ,
she qonna cancel my partyy plans .
Ughhh !
Takecares yaww !★
PS : N.Syukk are eu madd at me for tellinq sharul th thruth ?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ytd at nyte sms and chat wiv sharul until midnyte yeas .
Tell hymm th thruth tht i have been lying to hym .
I'm nt th kind of qurl tht cn keep promises .
I sorryy tht i have lied to you .
Eventhough eu tell me tht eu hav forqive me ,
I still fell quiltyy .
When eu cry infront of me i feel hurt .
I'm sorryy ...
To all :Can eu all plz stop fiqhtinq at my taqboard ?Kepalaa akuu mabukk taww !To Someone ,Katrina && Kinkystar .Wadeverr !!As N.Syuk sayy relekk satu coner buatt taik sudahh lhh palabuto .Tkderr hal kepa buat hal kt orang nyerr taqboard ?!Reveal identity lh ehhkk ?
To Kinkystar :Eikk luu apa hal uh !? Nk cari hal kt sini ?Ader tetekk kerr tkderr kerr apahal ?Siakk uh kaww ! kaww ckp qitu ngan mak kaww uh !Kaww tkderr makk kapa ?Dhh mapos ehkk dierr ?Sialann !!
To Bellaa && N.Syuk : Thnx fer th helppinqs !
Monday, October 20, 2008

My bloqqie date ishh so damn wronq !
Anybodyy noe how to fix it onort ?
2dayy ish suppose to be 20 ,
ytd ishh 19 .
haixx ...
Ytd qo soccer ,
quite bored .
Yana was nt therr.
Erra and Erny also .
So yea bassically bored .
Todae my mom nvr waked me up to qo to schh .
She says nehmind ,
3 days only no more schh .
I tink i will nt be qoinq to schh until it ends .
I mayy be thinkin tht i will nt be qoinq to YCSS .
I will surely miss my frens wan .
So i might nt be qoinq to YCSS .
Yeahh !!
Why alott ppl keep spamminq me wan ?
Ue quys are a doq , doq !!
Thnx Bellaa and N.Syuk for helpinq me !
Love ue quys lots !
Bye !
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Can upload alr ..
Damn !
My layer qettinq lonqer uh ?
Gonna force my parents to do frinqe .
hehhhes .
This foto diff ornortt my face ?
Alott ppl sial sayy diff !
2day uh ?
Err Sharul suppose to fetch me below my blk ,
nvr turn up .
Durhh overslept !
Went jp alone !
meet rushdaa at 7-11 which is infront of th blue blk wan .
thn ,
met up wiv zhilin && fion at Mcdonalds .
Me and rushdaa ate hotcakes .
Theyy both ate burqer .
ishh reach at mac at 6.15 ,
thn leave mc at 7.15
thn me and zhilinn top up card derhh .
thn take 243w t0 pionerr mall .
reachh therr nearly bo 8 alr larhhs .
thn chionq-ed Juronq west complex !
Saw D.Afiq at th road .
Fion and zhilin walk so fast !
Rushdaa keep shoutinq at them to stop wait nahhs .
D.Afiq directlyy bo infront of us .
He tok to me tht me and rushdaa was noisyy !
DAMN him larhh .
th qirl bside him ,
DAMN prettyy siol !
His besties i tink ba ..
Bye !♥
PS : Rushdaa qorrt std ! yay 171008 wooooo . S0rry quys cnt tell ue th quyy !
Thursday, October 16, 2008

She's my dear fren .
We'r nortt close we'r normal frens .
Thinqs i really like abt her ,
hpmm ,,
She Fun,
♥ Jokinq ,
&& SMALL !
She's veryy prettay qirl !
hahha bye SASA !♥
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Tht's her bebbeh !
She ishh my hunnie and my fren .
I love herr okay ?

My belove`d boy !
He 's hensem rite ?
290808 ishh th besy hunnies .
Dun jealous uh !
Just qortt home from bukit batok to see a doctor .
Thn eat mac ,
hailed down a cab ,
home ♥
Bye ♥
PS :To Sasa ! You are so cute !♥

Manyy thinqs has happened lately .
1st it was a fiqht wiv my std .
Thn a fiqht wiv my outside frens .
Thn a fiqht wiv my rabbit .
A fiqht wiv my std nortt qonna tell ue cuz its private derhh lorhhs .
A fiqht wiv outside yea .
Gonna elaborate it .
Firstly me and Kristle suppose to meet wiv other frens .
We must meet thm at JP arcade therr .
Thn we both are hungry alr lerhh marhh ,
thn needa to eat .
We qo mac eat .
Saw our frens .
Theyy scold us like SHIT i tell you .
Sayinq like why nvr jiu meet us wan ?
Somemore nvr tell us !
You tink wad ?
We free loaders are waitinq for ue quys uhh ?
Me and Kristle just keep quiet .
Thn Kristle suddenly scold thm oso .
So wad we both nvr tell ue ?
Our prob larhh .
Dun be so kbkb hao mahhs ?
Thn we both leave tht clique and went to walk walk at jp .
Haixx ..
Bye ♥
PS :To Nonya Sesat 3 !I do fansiqn alr !
Monday, October 13, 2008

Sorry i nvr post ytd .
Been quite busy uh .
Ytd juz join my kazen qrp RT .
Shhh tk wujud siol .
Heehes .
Juz now i must qo sch to retest .
Go schh wiv sharul .
He finished th test ferz but he wait for me lehhs .
Go shop ,
he ate mee ,
i ate ice cream .
Lols my shirt like dirty liao larhhs .
Fion was therr too ,
but she's late -_- ''
Later qoin out dunnoe wherr .
Bye ♥
PS: Shayshi Rannabella !Ebynie Syazwanni ♥ You Taww !
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I ♥ Star
I like it ,
but nortt worth it .

Cute is'nt it ?
But not worth it .

but once agn ,
nortt worth it .

It 's suits me really !
I bouqht 1 .
It's ex ,
but worth it !
This star shoulder baq is nice .
I bought 1 .
Worth it !

It's too small .
Nothinq out of th ordinaryy ♥

I ♥ th atmosphere .
Coolinq .
Today i hav th whole hse to myself until 3 pm .
Basiccally cn do anythinq yea ?
This is wherr my family members qo ,
qrandma ,sleep at kazen hse .
parents ,workinq .
brother ,qortt qraduation dayy .
My parents qivv me $500 to spent for today ,
incase i die out of boredom .
Guess since i havv $$ wad did i spent on ?
hahha buy alot of stuff !
Gonna post th foto on my next upcominq post !
Stay tune babes & dudes !
Friday, October 10, 2008
Shoppinq addict ♥

hahha nopes !
i buy another 2 more stuff .
My mind was like thinkinq ,
to buy ?
Nort to buy ?
But i buy it on impulse !
Nice nice .
This tube sell cheap !
I will be werinq it wiv jeans .

Bought it for $26 only .
Ex ,
but worth it lor .
Bye ♥
Bloqshopped ♥

She tells me tht she doesn't fren Rushdaa and tells me not to talk to Rushdaa animore .
Guess wad ?
Kinda ex also .
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Frens ♥

I dunn noe why but today th day is so damn nice .
I'm in a happy mood .
No one has made me mad .
Today sch ends at 10.30 am .
Kinda early yea .
Brk time was funny ,
My fren ,
Sasa ,Batfiee ,Dyna ,Amalina && me ate togather bhind th vendinq machine uh .
Theyyy all so funnyy lehhs .
I really like them all .
Hoped tht everydayy is simplyy like tht .♥
Thnx fer th wonderfull day quys ,
i really appreaciate it deeply inside my heart .
To Amalina & Sasa ,if you quys are readiinq it nw,i juz wanna sayy tht thnx fer beinq therr through thick and thin yea ?You quys arre really my mortal .I hoped tht we cn be like this and nvr ends .
Bye ♥
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Chanqe It ♥

Been not studyinq .
Cant studdyinq ,although i'm muqqinq for it baddly to qo YCSS .
Life ... I juz wanna wish to kristle tht happy belated b'dae to ue okkays ?
Happyy 16th !!
Dear parents ,thnx for takinq care of me for 13 damn yyears .I noe its been hard for ue as i always norrt beinq a qood gerll .I noe i hanq out wiv outside frens , and ue told me i cnt . well tht's bcuz i qorrt no frens at sch . and hanqinq out wiv them is makinq me way to much fun and i lovinq it okkays ?I try my best to be qood qerrl and lissten to both ue quys . ILOVEYOU . ♥
Chanqe for th betterr okkays ?Loves ,♥
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

been quite a lonq time since i last bloq on my old bloq .
i makinq a new one .
I dun really noe why everybody hatinq me .
juz wads wronq did i do ?
i really try my best to succeed in makinq frens wiv them ,
but to me seems i can't .
In my class ,
i dun hav anyy frens ,
only my bestfrens ,
amalina .
tht's worst cuz everybodyy too dunn likke her .
Beinq kindda of distract lately .
smugginq for EOY .
needa to qet qood qrades if i wanna qo to YCSS .
qonna start afreash and make new frens ,
i quess .
I bet no wan qonna miss me ,
eccept for amalina .
well qonna miss her too .
she been therr for me through thick and thin .
Bye ♥