i no nid yous to pity me .
i luv myself .
wad are yous towards me ?
yous dunnoe me tht well .
^^&& yous cnort force me do tis , do tht .
yous urself sae .
we meant to be 2gather .
but now ?
look at th mess yous make .
take a look ^^&& do reflactions nows .
if yous are willingly to do .
i have nth to sae to yous animore .
i blocked yous from my MSN ,
deleted yous from frndstr .
deleted all your number ,
urs , ur mummy , ur daddy ^^&& ur sis .
cuz we no lnger 2gather nows .
yous evrytym disturb me usinq ur fren fone .
to see whether im being thruthful or nort .
but ..
have i done to yous bfore ?
no ryt ?
whyy must yous do this to me uhs ?
all i wish tht ,
yous ^^&& ur new girlfriend will last lng .
although im jealous seeing ur pics wiv her .
im jst tryin my best to ferget yous .
2 mthns ^^&& 10 daes we 2gather .
^^&& it stops .
i still love yous .
2dae vry maddenin fer me .
i tink evrybody hates me nw ,
cuz evry single thng ,
i keep hitting them .
aiyorhhs .
bad mood nws uhs .
thn i accidentaly tore adinah's bag while tryin to pull her go bhind .
^^&& somemore i willingly to pay .
i tell her i will raise th $16 ^^&& giv her as soon as possible .
abeyhh dier nk money dier cpat2 .
palapuki siakk dier .
she makin me mad siols .
lagy skali dier nk duit dier ,
biler aku maseh blom reach $16 ,
aku ckp dier face to face uhs .
dh luhhs aper .
nk act big gytu .
to adinah ; i duinn giv a damn if eu readin it ornort .
si NATASHA NORHANI pun samer .
i nvr tok to her ^^&& SHAFIQAH whole dae 2dae .
cuz im mad of them to .
dorang pun narq act maner peyhh nyer bsar siols .
mepek btol .
si RUSHDAA tu pun mcm ,
maner palapuki nyer pompan .
amalina yg make th decision to be wiv me ,
dier dah nangis .
mepeks siols nyer pompan .
thn sneha ^^&& jennyfer pun tk lehh tahan ngan dier ,
smpai dorang 3 join my grp .
nws she no group fer th project
padan muker dier uhs .
nk pukul si amalina fer no reason sia .
theyy all dun wanna be wiv rushdaa le .
cuz theyy cnort tahan her fckin attitude .
nabeii btol .
prfffttt ...
jst nw after skul ,
kana detention .
rushdaa sae smthng to all of us .
thn we like ..
blahblahblah ..
funny siols .
thn walk out of skul 2gather .
jennyfer go home ,
sneha go home .
me ^^&& amalina go boon lay buy fer th project stuff .
i be payin fer th stuff as theyy all FAS .
kecian kn dorang luhhs .
i lng tym nvr blanja aniwan siols .
no mood uhs .
amalina pei me go home ferst .
take $$ ,
changed clothes .
thn off we go to boonlayy .
buy th stuff eccept fer th A5 colour paper .
i buy chocolate ice blended ,
^^&& thn went to 7-11 to buy a quick lunch .
im hungry luhhs .
hahhs .
thn pei her wait bus 99 .
thn she go home le .
saw mustaza theyy all ,
he nvr saw me .
hehhhs .
below ,
i flood eu wiv my overdued pics yeas ?
take ur tym readin it .
it wont run .
tagg toos
nvr go fer assembly .
cabot uhs .
reading ishh damn boring .
watch th H&F ppl do their thngs .
good thng mr chua let me stay .
if nort ,
i must read sia .
0.0 .

cook my myself ,
cuz mummy nort a home .
i was hungry ^^&& decided to cook this .
^^&& tell eu whuart .
it was damn nice luhhs okeyhs ?
new pics ??
frem 2daes agon uhs .
woohooo .
esspecially danial .
th boi^^ .
so damn cute when he do his eyes .
no captions .
cuz jst camwhored alone .
th last pics ishh tht i jst leave my fren hse .
^^&& yeas .
its superduper late le .
i miss my cerfew .
grrr .
he's part of my lyf ^^&& i luv hym more thn my parents luhhs

cnort get it off on my mind .
ferst tym feelin like dun wan to giv up on my aspirations .
goshh ..
i hoped tht when i finish poly i could continue fullfillin' my aspirations .