2dae durin' skul was okok .
fought wiv rushdaa .
call her palapuki nyer betiner .
tarq sanker aku ngan dier lagy .
even amalina cnort tahan her fckin attitude uhs .
have ERP ,
read news paper .
thn MT .
do corrections ^^&& filing .
thn D^^&&T ,
ther ishh wher i fought wiv her .
thn recess .
i need to go home .
need see doctor .
get form from th office thn find mr lui in 3T2 calassroom ,
in was embaressin '
thn chao !!
go jp .
meet mom at th popular .
she buy me a twilight book ,
i always wanted .
thnx mom .
thn go eat at burger king .
hungry .
thn go home .
put my sling bag ,
thn straight away go downstair .
meet mom at bus ,
she lazy go up .
thn take 187 to polyclinic .
waited from 12.30PM to 3 PM lehhs .
fckin damn lng .
thn excuse fer PE fer 1 wks .
i fell down my spine .
grr ..
to sasa ; fiee ; zirah ,
krg tk tawu luhhs ehs ?
aku and adynah darh ckp .
sier kater dier kasi aku tym uhs .
she oso noe i comform pay her th ryte ?
eu dunnoe ?
tok to her luhhs bfore spam my blog .
krg nieh tkder life kappaa ?
niwae ..
i tok to adynah alr .
she sae .
tkperluhhs .
missunderstanding ,
drg tk tawu ni semua . biaser uhh .
see ..
even she understand taws ehs