Annyeonghaseyo ;)
well , im still sick . sorry for nt blogging ytd . slept at grandma hse . fun fun . im bored . finish watchin full house , off to my EHB nw .
my wallpaper ;)

Annyeonghaseyo ;)
guess wad ? i sick today . have a flu light symtoms . today , well wad can i say ? im nt feeling low . because my whole family , excluding my mummy , plus my father 5 siblings and plus my father parents are going to the beach at 5pm today . i cannot wait for it . today i woke up around 10am feeling adjust from those freaking flu . straight away bath , on comp , ate , played comp until now which is 2.23pm . currently watching super junior show ep 2 right now . and after that gonna watch super junior mini drama . gosh , i just love them . and do you that i just signed up a petition for them to come ? i really hoped they come . i would be glad to come out any amount of money to see them . me and brother are big fan . dad allowed us to go if they come to singapore . hpmm . early thnx yea ? im a lazy pig , i keep eating and eating . no wonder im getting fatter ! this sucks !
Wanie Inmida
Annyeonghaseyo ;)
im not really sure why ? why im feeling so low this few days . ireena and kristle ask me out today . but i kindly declined thm and they blew off their top for no apparent reasons . even all the vulgar words hav arised from it . even i spill out those words out to them . it's not ireena , but kristle . why uh ? ue wanna ask to ended our friendship this way ? oh no girl . we vowed to be wad ? wad ? togather rite ? so wher to promises ? me and ireena hav been through thick and thin for almost 9 years nw . but eu ? i only knew eu fer only 1 year since i was sec 1 and eu were sec 3 . ireena senior ? i dun care kristle . call me after eu read my blog orite girl ? so . today early morning , woke up at 8.30am , play psp till 9.30am . on comp , do assignment . woke up yana , bath , changed , go jurong west , ate , back , blogging . see ? so lame and boring my lyf is ? hpmm . dad says my english hav improved alot . really ? i dun tink so yea ? and lastly mommy gonna put me to tuition class everyday 3 times aweek after school start . so less tym going out after school and meetin up wiv my frens . oh well . wad to do ??
from ;
Wanie Inmida
i dun noe why . i tired today . i wake up at 10am and noticed tht mom was gone . she nvr even tell me where she goes . ohwhile , wad to do ? since my cousins were sleeping at nainai house , woke them up . woke up yana ferst , followup wiv my bro thn lastly fadil . went down to jurong west ther to eat breakfast . my bro treat as he hav some money . 4 plates of chicken rice , 2 dumpling soup and 1 plate of fried dumpling . as usual ;) . i buy bubble tea for them . intented to bring them go see movie . but .. suddenly bro fren asked hym out . so yea . fadil , yana and myself went to neighbour house to play wiv batrisyia and barriq as usual . bath barriq ;) thn nw im at home . at nyt going ther agn wiv thm . so fun dun eu noe ? haish . im tired . im gonna bath agn . so hot th wheather and on th aircon and thn sleep , ZZzzzzz .
only a few as i was lazy ;)
before leaving for checkpoint , hav macdonald at taman jurong ard 4.30am

during th car trip

reach KL

take away subway and bought back to hotel to eat . mom and dad went shopping ferst

at petaling street . i dun noe why . but i really love this pics alort

at th hair saloon , noticed why ther no ppl ? cuz i did an appointment bfore hand . and had pay a deposit of 100 RM . so yea . quite happy . i oso lyk th hairdresser . a man summore , was shy though . haha . he bought me a KFC snack so i wont feel hungry . thn yea MR Joshua :)

last day at hotel , was sad to leave . but was happy to go home and rest .

at th car , on th way home . goodbye KL . hello singapore ;)

okeyh okeyh . guess tht i filled up this page alr yea ? im dead tired alr la !!
annyeonghigeseyo .
from ;
Wanie Imnida
13-15 june
im bck lyk finnaly . has my blog been dead yet ? hope nt yea ? im mad tired . still need to update my blog yea ? i keep thinkin bout this , should i delete my blog or should i keep it ? if i keep it maybe i make it private once agn yea ? hpmm . i still dunwan go through all this hustle . such a waste yea ? KL trip , 4 days 3 nights . decided to stay another nyt cuz we still havent go sightseeing yet . so yea . th hotel ? err . was okeyh i tink . th bed ? was huge . but still i sleep on th floor wiv bro . haha . th toilet ? was small . but overall , it was okeyh . rate ; 4|5 . nt bad i sae ;) . left tht place around 2PM . reach johor ard 6pm . mkn at sayam and home ard 9pm . ouhh yea . i reborn my hair alr , and i tink it sucks ! same hairstyle lyk last year , wiv bangs . ouhh god . will i be laugh at ? so far all my family and my personnal frens lyk it . do eu ? we see .
16 june
had enuf sleep alr , bath and change . go out hse ard 4pm .
go interchange to take my hp . finnaly they found my hp . gahhh !! thn meet up wiv ireena , kristle . they wait fer me near mcdonald . make a deal wiv them alr . i cum bck KL alr , they treat me see movie . haha . thnx yea guys ? watch . DRAG ME TO HELL . my rates ; 5|5 . it was damn good eu noe !! should watch it lah . highly recomanded okeyh ? thn went to pasar malam at jp ther . bought some food . and went home . mad tired . reach home ard 10 pm .
ouh yea , 1 announcement !
MUHD ADIB BIN _ _ _ _ !!
eu sombong eyh . eu kater nk msg kol 11 . tk msg pun ! sombong la eu !! msg eu , eu ngah penat . aper ni . im bored la dude !
wanie imnida is here . sry for th lack of posting . so nw , let see . sat went to poly for x-ray , nth wrong , jst th veins gt twisted . allhamdulilah . thn sundae , went to have late breakfast . 14 hours of no food . cuz im trying to lose weight . heh . fat hope . thn cab down to IMM wiv bro . too hungry alr . cnot tahan yea ? reach IMM alr , shock me . C&K no more alr la . im vry sad . my fav brand of clothing is nt in IMM alr . must go Vivo too buy . so fckin damn far . so jst go find food outlet . ate at spaggeti too .

bought alort of food , in th end cnot finish it up la . but it's cheap la okeyh ?
thn mon . went bowling . lost my fone . so dun contact me till nxt wk yea ? sorry for those if i nvr pick up or rply ur msg . tues , stay at home . throat pain . thn 2dae(wed) , start packin my stuff into suitcase alr , going KL in two days . hotel decided , 3 star hotel . it's cheap yet vry nice la .
be bck on tues yaw .
wont be blogging until tues or wed okeyh ?
tkcr ;)
sorry nvr blog ytd . went to see doctor uh . needed to go x-ray on this saturdae . fckin shyit la . although my neck is little bit better though . able to sleep well . so bcus of tht . i managed to squeeze my tym to follow ireena to IMM to buy grogeries . haha . tell mom tht since im going to follow her , i oso wan to do some oso . so she giv me money to buy groceries oso . i managed to write them on th list . hahah . wad a geek . haish . gonna bath nw . it's 11.06 when im meeting her at 12 PM .
gahh ;)
annyeonghaseyo ;)
i got injured , bad , really bad
it happend yesterdae(tues)
at 1.45PM
when me and my cousins plan an outing to cycle to energised ourself .
so we plan to cycle from jurong west st 51 to boon lay drive , thn take a break .
thn from boon lay drive to lakepark . we played ahwhile at th playground .
thn from lakepark to boon lay way to eat . thn from ther to nanyang cc . thn from ther to jurong west blk 516 coffee shop to relax .
thn on th wae bck . i hit a pole while hit my head , neck , having bruises and all tht . having all those kinds of shitty pains . staright away went home .
my 4 cousins bring me to see doctor . th doctor sae's i have sprain my neck . believe it or not i cnt turn my neck to th right side . it's damn painful . i cried alot of times . my head gt a tiny cut on th forehead . it's nt visible la . my bruises started to heal nw . th main problem , my neck . fck shyt ryt ? it's so painful . going to see doctor agn tmr if my neck still in pain . cnt wait on 11 june , 12 june - 16 june .
11 june , class bbq . 12-16 june KL trip wiv laa faamaaliaa bby ;)
byee ;)
im back
yes it been days
im kinda sick now
i have no energy too move around
im sick of blogging alr
blogger has been pissing me off
wont let me upload pics on th previous post
maybe 1 day i take up nuffnang as th advertiser soon
wanna noe wads tht
check it out at ;)

i love super junior manxz
they lyk th coolest boy band ever eu noe
was bloghopping
a guy name andylala oso lyk them
lyk shit ,
updating my blog
trying to find super junior songs using flash but no hav
arghh !
i hate it
all tht cum out was their old songs
i hav those i wanna new songs eg . sorry sorry and it's you
CCBNB la okeyh ?
ok la .
i havent eaten from mornin .
got to eat nw .
tkcr ;)