hello hello :D
go on , continue your laughter . i hoped 1 day you die from it :D
krg jgn kesah lah kental :D
krg dah tk akan nmpk muker aku lagi . aku pun dah tk de hak nk keje . so aku bleh focus on aku nyer studies .aku pun , from the start aku menyampah ngok muker sakilah tu . come on lah ! kau ingat aku tkt ngan krg 3 betina ? eh . im not th crybaby i used to be lah . come and find me if you can . cause i run far far away .
bye tiga-tiga betina :D
what the fuck is all this ?
for just that one particular word , you all already making a big fuss about it .
how do you think i feel that the 3 of you call him a fucker ? you all also want me to call your love ones fucker or other names is it ? if you don't want . jolly well shut the fuck up .
had a small talk with baby after school via handphone . baby say if they do anything to me , they going to get in trouble . seriously . i hate all this stuff . it's like i want to scream and shout also cannot .
i hate it :(
Hello Hello :D
school was typically boring today
after school me and suriani planned to meet my bestest and her balak . we actually scissor paper stone on who to see first . in the end i won :D
so walked to xingnan , took 241 to jurong point then took 187 to jurong east complex . saw baby but he could not go outside . so i was quite sad about it and then my mood change to bad . only suriani knows what happened .
and so after that , walked to chinese garden to meet her balak .
after that went to take 335 to jurong west and then 98 to jurong spring . ated , home .
i was so tired !
i want to complain ~

Hello Hello :D
i want to see this little angel of mine again . i miss her super duper a lot . it's like 1 month 1 time i get to see her and yet she ain't afraid of me . she will cry every time she saw my brother .
i miss my baby boy so much ! he supposed to pick me up from work today and send me home . but he too tired . gosh ! i miss him :D
baby can't online , guess what he doing right now ? sleeping =.= wake up ah boy :D
i love you :D
i finally meet him
i miss him a lot
he waited for me to finish wait and went to NTUC to buy orange juice
orange juice out . i was actually very sad . never mind , next time kay . meeting baby tomorrow again and i can't wait . yes :D
these few days lots of happening
and i hate it
i miss baby so much . four days of not seeing him . he busy with work .
let see what i did today .
reached work at 4.30pm . ate with riduan , chat here chat there . work .
during work i suddenly have gastric pain . is it because i everyday never eat breakfast and maybe lunch ? so pain feel like dying . work ends . shahrul send me to interchange .
currently waiting for baby to online so we can webcam like last week , <3 ;D
just say if you hate me bitch
are you jealous ? get over it
i can't meet baby until sunday . sunday also not yet confirm
i miss baby badly , i want to see him
my granddad just got admitted to hospital cause he got an attack . poor him
mom don't want to visit him and i am kinda sad by that answer
hope he is not in critical condition

today suppose to have remedial classes on maths , but it got canceled so i spent time with baby :D
meet him at interchange and took train to Clementi to repair Shahrul PSP . was quite moody cause i tell him i am very hungry . ate at KFC , all time favourite :D
something happen , i dont want to say why . spoiler je , ader2 ehh =.=
train back to Lakeside with baby and he want to send me home , but i say no need . he kissed me and off i went .
baby is worrying about me right now . sorry baby . i love you :D
i love you
i love you
i love you
i love you
i love you
meet up with baby after school
had lunch at Banquet with baby
went to KFC to check schedule ,
smoke smoke off he send me home
raining cats and dogs , sorry baby :D
going sakura later
together with mom boss
i enjoy my day because babylove was there
guess what our meeting time was suppose to be at 9am plus , but he so tired that he over slept . so around 10am plus we decided to meet after he return something to Rashid . in the end i fell asleep until 12.20pm . 4 missed called , 3 message . sorry baby . he know the reason why i fell asleep . once again sorry baby :D
i thought baby finish work already so i want him come down to jurong spring to accompany me cut hair , but he finish at 8pm . so i let it go . baby tired . cannot force him .
today .. last day for me to enjoy . tomorrow school begins . i hate it !
it's 6.36am in the morning
i never slept
you know why ?
cause i am hungry :D
webcam with Shahrul & Taufic until 4am plus in the morning
i <3 Taufic , atleast i got the guts to say it .
meeting him later at around 9am plus in the morning before he go to work
he so sweet , loved the way he text me
aww , baby you too adorable :D
i miss calling you syg :D

funny thing is that , i managed to go midnight movie with crew
someone gave me $40 bucks so that i can enjoy , better than nothing right ?
actually don't feel like working because i have gastric pain
then messi force me to work at 7pm cause not enough staff =.=
messi " sayang , today you work can ? i no enough staff leh . they all celebrate huiling birthday"
me " cannot leh , my stomach very pain leh "
messi " can lah . today is huiling birthday mah , let them celebrate "
me " i don't want ! "
messi " can lah sexy , i know you stomach . tahan lah sayang "
me " what time ? "
messi " 7"
me " ahh !! okayokay "
messi " thanks ah sexy "
i find it ridiculous you know !
asraf suppose to work but he never came , you never anything
what the fuck is this ?
why must it be me ?
i hate it man
so anyway , after work , got changed and met up crew
Shahrul , Shahidah , Hafizan , Syazwan , Uzair , Acha & myself
watched Being Human
thumbs up for the movie :D
homed around 2am plus
working today
bye :D
guess what ,
i cant go to midnight movie tomorrow with them unless i have 50 bucks in my hand now .
it's 2.00am right now
i cant sleep
i dont know why
sing me a lullaby will you ?
i miss you
during work just now
i cried like a baby cause of foolish things
maybe i misunderstood , maybe im not
let bygones be bygones
my shoulder are painful because of asraf
bad guy
friday faster come
salary out by then and im going to tonn with my crew
i hoped no other miscommunications are involved
having a fever right now
cant even lift up my head , so heavy
should i go work today ?
hellohello :D
i am so tired from 12 hours of work
i feel that my leg is going to break sooner or later
100 % guarantee plus chop :D
today was faizal birthday so i bought him a slice of blackforest cake
&& help shakila buy him a fruit cake
"thank you adik . thank you adik"
was what he said to both of us :D
i do cashier 11-5 then 5-11 do backup
i guess me doing backup is not good
sorry guys , i will do better next time kay ?
after work
mama ju buy all of us chicken rice as it was her last day of attachment before going to jurong spring
good luck :D
we all sit together for ahwhile then took 178 to my old house then 187 to nenek house :/
so tired now
i seriously do not know whats going on
my life has turn upside down right now
i don't want to know you anymore
i don't want to see you again
i don't even want to talk to you
during work , i was sick , my face has turn pale but the good thing is that i wore makeup , but people can still see it
tell shahidah that i am not well and she gave me 2 pill to eat it
had a hard time swallowing it , but i managed to though
a lot people asked me if i am okay
&& 2 people said to me that why my face like want to die
while i was working you message me
you making my mood so low
i held in my tears , making sure that nobody knows what going on with me
i sat outside with nobody by my side and zeng yong suddenly asked me this
zeng yong " wanie , you okay or not ? "
me " yeah "
zeng yong " what happened ? "
me " nothing "
zeng yong " you want smoke or not ? "
me " don't want "
then i went inside go to shahidah , show her the message that you send me
cried in front of her
soon sakilah came and i cried somemore
sat outside again to have fresh air
fazwan saw me and question me , i ignored him throughout as i was down .
find a place to sit and asraf came outside and talk to me
asraf " asal kau muker masam jer ? "
me " ( taking out my phone and showed him the message )
asraf " relax wanie , chill "
me " ( crying beside him ) "
only shahidah , sakilah , asraf knows what happened .
i hoped that my mood for tomorrow is good and happy
sorry if my mood tomorrow is not good guys :)
wow :D
i feeling down today , maybe that is because i am tired that is all :)
i have been a good girl for the past 2 weeks . meaning , i have been attending to school regularly , not skipping classes . but i feel like not coming to school again ! maybe i come to school tomorrow or maybe i won't . what to do ?
have not been messaging wan or talk to him online for a quite long time already . maybe we both are not on good terms ? few days ago , i message him " are we still friend " and he said " yes "
but why are we not talking ? too bad i am making the first move .
tomorrow there is work . i am so happy :D after 12345678910 days of not working , i be able to work again . this time i need to work tomorrow until next week saturday . tiring i think , but still fun :D
imissyouimissyou :D
imissyouimissyouimissyou <3
on saturday went to NTUC with them , thanks shahidah for paying my stuff , love ya <3
during work , was quite unhappy with some stuff outside , ppl give me bad mood :(
so to cheer myself up , i buy bubble tea for kavitha , shahidah , zhi yang , zeng yong , madam izza and huiling :)
after work while walking to NTUC with them , i tell shahidah about taufic , i tell her that i hate seeing his face , but i like him every much . then she say to me that time will heal all wounds .
so at bus we talk about taufic again , she tell me that he is a good guy and asked me what happened during my date with taufic .
plusplus , i am very happy with my dad !
my dad tells me that i can have a relationship with someone as long as my dad meets him , and i tell him about me and adib being together last time . and he asked me why we broke up , i replied sebab dier ader betiner lain . haha
scold here scold there
fuck here fuck there
you guys are pissing me off ! i need a break !
you mad me angry today boy :(
i hate it i hate it i hate it !
you say to me you promised me
last two days i say to you ' jadi tak ? ' you reply saying ' i dah janji '
i was so happy hearing that you kept your promises
but now , i asked you once again ' jadi tak ? ' you never reply
i called you ' jumpe tak ? ' you say you got some things going on
do you know that when i called you , i almost want to cry ?
you promised me you know !
now what ?
this is what i am going to do , i don't want to talk to you anymore or hear your voice again .
you want to talk to me ? see my mood okay ?
good luck in school lahh wan !
aku benci kau
i think i should update blogger more often instead of tumblr :)
today 2.4km run was like death to me , seriously !
me & farhana jog & run & jog & run cam nk mati gitu
i just had my bathe , so tired now , off the lights !
i fell inlove with a name 'S'
i don't want to fall inlove with him and i hate seeing his face . everytime i saw him , my heart pounds , i tell this to fiee & she asked me to go to meigeok , whereas suriani said it's normal .
so how ? any advice ?
this few days , i chatted with a lot of people , idk why :)
my common test results is hancur =.=