im not an enthu blogger animore .
well i do luv bloggin .
but im now in this kind of state make me wanna stop blogging and delete all th past post .
well blogging is my PASSI0N .
so fer th sake of tht i will continue to blog .
maybe not daily ,
but on random daes .
i promised .
vry lazy to upload th overdue photos .
178 photos total .
0MG .
screwed up blogger .
cnort excisse more thn tht .
^^&& dunnoe hw to spell .
*giggles .
wednesdae ,
go to victoria hall from 6.30-9.30 pm
alort ppl sae i look pretyy .
hahhs .
thnx yeas ?
bari sae HI to me across th seats .
was shocked .
hahhs .
i oso rply uhs .
tkkn nk uat bodoh kn ??
slept at 1 AM in th murnin and wake up 5AM in th murnin .
im damn tired and lazy .
therrfore i still went to skul ,
cuz im guaikia whuart !!
wanna sleep at lessons ,
but nvr !
go home ard 3Pm slept till 8.30PM thn play wiv my neighbour bby .
so cute .
till 10PM thn go bathe , ate then watch ECW wiv bro thn watch shooter thn went to EAT agn wiv mom slept ard 12 midnyte .
did not when to skul ,
slept late so ..
vry sleeppy .
bari at ytd at nyte call me ard 11PM .
i off my fone so did not know .
msg hym at 11 AM did not rply .
call oso dunwan pickup .
iayohh .
lazy to update more .
so byees