do eu noe hw much i miss blogging ?
woo ;D
i miss it to th max manxz
well ..
wad to do ?
i cnort blog evrydae ryt ?
i do not have th tym lor
so ..
evrydae STAY BACK !!
superduper blueberryy strawberry tired lehhs !!
thn nw i jst get bck ehs !
by mr lui somemore .
until 4 plus .
grrr .
im damn exhausted uhs ehs .
Mummy buy me a new ipod ,
as my slix version has spoilt .
grr ..
MP4 ehs .
tis up ^^ MP3 onlyy ehs .
abg sayys he will be buyin Ipod touch soon fer me uhs .
damn happy eu noe .
cnort wait fer his werkin salary uhs beybehh
i still laughs ;D
tinkin about this incident above .
malaybelow .
ME ; ehs , kaw pernah raser ini bender ?
ME ; asl ? sedap giler babi bdh .
SHARUL ; i noe , but its giler babi expensive .
thn i laugh .
hahh !!
okok lor .
i post agn smtyms uhs ehs ?
superduper wanna sleep .
yeas !